Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Before you spray! what do the under leafs look like? any tiny crawling bugs or eggs? bust out the magnifying glass. That doesn't look like mites to me
As I said in the I box u sent ....check underneath the leaves first ...if they aint crawling its something else


Well-Known Member
Keep forgetting my tape measure...upwards of around 8 feet for the tallest 2. My favorite is the one that I topped and fimmed...the shorter bushier one of the bunch. I originally started out LSTing them all and then relented after about 4-5 weeks in. All were fimmed at least once and some more than once in multiple locations. I don't need to keep them short for security purposes in the Honey Hole spot...and I was kinda doing a little of everything this year so I let the taller ones go with just fimming and then a few tops of secondary branches.


Well-Known Member
I hope you have a grip of jars for curing all that dankness...
Just so happens I came across a treasure trove of old Mason Jars last weekend. A trove of which I can have! Found in the basement of a house I was doing some work on. I can already been gathering M Jars up. Should have more than enough...maybe...hopefully I will have to attain even more:weed:


Well-Known Member
MandyMoo & Lizzy too
Lizzy has really impressed me with her growth over the past couple of weeks. She is now up to my nose on her way to over my head.:weed:
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Well I joyfully applied my first dose of MaxSea 3-20-20 on The Honey Hole Gals. Two of the plants are about a week ahead of the other 2 in flowering mode so I went and hit those 2 plants. I seen a notable difference between yesterday and today in their flowering. The first pic is of the 2 that I hit with MaxSea. Nothing around here needs watered so I just did 1.5 heaping tablespoons to a gallon for each plant. Will be interesting to see how they develop this week. Pardon the shitty pix...left my usual camera at the house and was forced to use my shitty cell phone....even shittier than the usual camera phone that I use.