The forbidden TRUTH

Obviously not a believer in intelligent design. We have the technology to clone humans and animals Why couldn't an outside force do the same?
Obviously not a believer in intelligent design. We have the technology to clone humans and animals Why couldn't an outside force do the same?
It's possible, but beliefs shouldn't be about believing in what's not impossible. They should be about what's likely, and what's justified. Well, if you care about having true beliefs that is...
I expect to get complete access of this account with BEEFED up security soon, I'm hoping to get both of the post up tomorrow or at the very least finish the first one. The evidence that "Aliens" are Demons can not be ignored by a rational sane individual.
Skip to 1 hour and six minutes for never before seen NASA space footage. (Yeah...)
So because you continue to spam my thread I will tell Freemason secrets
The examiner, taking the visiting brother by the hand, as in ordinary hand-shaking, the following dialogue takes place, and must be literally in accordance with the prescribed formula, as this is strictly and purely the most essential part of Freemasonry.
Examiner: (taking visitor by the hand): "I hail."
Visitor: "I conceal."
Ex.: "What do you conceal?"
Vis.: "All the secrets of Masons in Masonry to which this (presses the top of his thumb hard against the first knuckle near the hand) token alludes."
Ex.: "What is this?" (pressing with his thumb the first knuckle of visitor's hand).
Vis.: "The grip of an Entered Apprentice Mason."
Ex.: "Has it a name?"
Vis.: "It has."
Ex.: "Will you give it to me?"
Vis.: "I did not so receive it neither will I so impart it."
Ex.: "How will you dispose of it?"
Vis.: "I will letter and halve it with you."
Ex.: "Letter and begin."
Vis.: "You begin."
Ex.: "Nay, you must begin."
Vis.: "A,"
Vis.: "Az."
Ex.: "B."
Vis.: "0."
Ex.: "Bo."
Vis.: "Boaz."
Ex.: "What does it denote?"
Vis.: "Strength."
Ex.: "How is it represented?"
Vis.: "By the left-hand pillar at the entrance of the porch of King Solomon's Temple."
Ex.: "Will you be off or from? ". (Still holding the other's hand.)
Vis.: "From."
Ex.: "From what to what?"
Vis.: "From the grip of an Entered Apprentice to the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft."
Ex.: "Pass."
The visitor moves his thumb from the first knuckle joint to the space between the first and second knuckles; the examiner then moves his thumb the same part of the visitor's hand.
Ex. (pressing his thumb): "What is this?"
Vis. (returning the pressure): "The pass-grip of a Fellow Craft."
Ex.: "Has it a name?"
Vis.: "it has."
Ex.: "Will you give it to me?"
Vis.: "I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it."
Ex.: "How will you dispose of it?"
Vis.: "Syllable it with you"
Ex.: "Syllable it and begin."
Vis.: "No, you begin."
Ex.: "You must begin."
Vis.: "Bo."
Ex.: "Shib."
VIS.: "Leth."
Ex.: "Shibbo."
VIS.: "Shibboleth."
Ex.: "What does it denote?"
Vis.: "Plenty."
Ex.: "How is it presented?"
Vis.: "By a sheaf of wheat suspended near a waterfall."
Ex.: "Will you be off or from.?"
Vis.: "From."
Ex.: " From What to what?"
Vis.: "From the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft to the real grip of the same."
Ex.: "Pass."
The visitor now moves his thumb to the second knuckle, the examiner also doing the same.
Ex.: "What is this (pressing hard on the knuckle)?"
Vis.: "The real grip of a Fellow Craft."
Ex.: "Has it a name?"
Vis. "it has."
Ex.: "Will you give it to be?"
Vis.: "I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it."
Ex.: "How will you dispose of it?"
Vis.: "I will letter and syllable it with you."
Ex.: "Letter it and begin."
Vis.: "No, you begin."
Ex.: "You must begin."
Vis.: "A."
Ex. : "J."
Vis.: "C."
Ex.: "H."
Vis.: "I."
Ex.: "N."
Vis.: "Ja."
Ex.: "Chin."
Vis.: "Jachin."
Ex.: "What does it denote?"
Fis. : "Establishment."
Ex.: "How is it represented?"
Vis.: "By the right-hand pillar at the porch of King Solomon's temple."
Ex.: "Will you be off or from (still holding the hand) ?"
Vis.: "From."
Ex.: "From what to what ?"
Vis.: "From the real grip of a Fellow Craft to the pass-grip of a Master Mason."
Ex. "Pass."
The visitor now moves his thumb to the space between the second and third knuckles, the examiner also moving his.
Ex. (Pressing his thumb as before): "What is this ?"
Vis.: "The pass-grip of a Master Mason."
Ex.: "Has this a name?"
Vis.: "It has."
Ex.: "Will you give it to me ?"
Vis.: "I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it."
Ex.: "How will you dispose of it?"
Vis.: "I will syllable it with you."
Ex.: "Syllable it and begin."
Vis.: "No, you begin."
Ex.: "You must begin."
Vis.: "Bal."
Ex.:. "Tu."
Vis.: "Cain."
Ex.: "Tubal."
Vis.: "Tubal-Cain."
Ex.: "Will you be off or from?"
Vis.: "From."
Ex.: "From what to what?"
Vis.: "From the pass-grip of a Master Mason to the real grip of the same."
Ex.: "Pass."
The visitor here looses his grip of the examiner's knuckles and again catching his right hand very firmly he presses the tops of his fingers hard against the other's wrist where it joins the hand, the thumbs of both being interlocked and pressing tightly against the hand, the fingers of each also being somewhat apart.
Ex.: "What is this (grasping the other's hand very strongly) ?"
Vis.: "The strong grip of a Master Mason or Lion's Paw."
Ex.: "Has this a name?"
Vis.: "It has."
Ex.: "Will you give it to me?"
Vis.: "I will if you place yourself in a proper position."
Ex.: "What is that proper position?"
Vis.: "The five points of fellowship."
Ex.: "Which are the five points of fellowship?"
Vis.: "Foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, cheek to cheek, or mouth to ear."
As the visitor mentions each 'point he places himself as indicated, his right foot against the other's right foot, his right knee against his knee, his right breast against his, the left hand of each on the other's back and the visitor's mouth to the examiner's ear and in this position, still holding by the grip, the grand omnific word is mutually whispered as follows, and is the only position in which it can be given.
Vis.: "Mah."
Ex.: "Hah"
Vis.: "Bone"
This ends the examination.
The Secret Grip of a Master Mason:
It's a regular handshake, except that you press your thumb against the base joints between the index finger and middle finger of the man you are shaking hands with. It looks pretty much like any other handshake; only the men shaking hands can feel the difference. The correct response is to ask if this grip has name and then "syllable it" with the shakee until the password of a Master Mason is arrived at.
The Secret Password of a Entered Apprentice
The password of the 1st degree, or the 'Entered Apprentice' degree is 'Boaz'.
The Secret Password of a FellowCraft
The password of the 'Second Degree', or 'Fellowcraft Degree' is 'Shibboleth'.

The Secret Password of a Master Mason:
'Tubal Cain' is the password of a Master Mason, which is the 'Third Degree'. Some of the more obtuse and perverse masons wear a tie stickpin or lapel pin called "Two Balls and Cane" in the sicko shape of a phallic cane with a "ball" on either side of it. We don't imagine they let their wives in on this one, apparently they are told to tell them if they ask about it that it has something to do with Golfing! "Brotherly Love" don't you know. See the Tubal-Cain page for more information on what the Bible teaches about Tubal-Cain, and what that says about the nature of Freemasonry
The Substitute Word of a Master Mason
During the blood chilling initiation of "being given the third degree", the candidate is told the "Master's Word" has been lost and instead a "substitute word" is whispered into his ear, "Mah Ha Bone".

The Secret Word:
Not to be confused with the password. The Word (always capitalized) is so secret that initiates are taught it one letter at a time. First they learn A, then O, then M, and finally I. The Word is IAOM.
You never get a straight story as to what it means. As best as anyone can figure, it is the ineffable name of god, or some approximation thereof. The Word (or Name) is a tongue-twister. It takes some practice to get it right. The following pronunciation guide is from Masonry and Its Symbols in the Light of Thinking and Destiny by Harold Waldwin Percival:
The Name is pronounced as follows: It is started by opening the lips with an "ee" sound graduating into a broad "a" as the mouth opens wider with lips forming an oval shape and then graduating the sound to "o" as the lips form a circle, and again modulating to an "m" sound as the lips close to a point. This point resolves itself to a point within the head. Expressed phonetically the Name is "EE-Ah-Oh-Mmm" and is pronounced with one continuous out-breathing with a slight nasal tone in the manner described above. It can be correctly and properly expressed with its full power only by one who has brought his physical body to a state of perfection... Note: this "word" or letter sequences is very similar if not identical to the ones contained in prayers of the Gnostics in the Nag Hamadi Library recovered from the sands of Egypt in 1945 (not to be confused with the Dead Sea Scrolls recovered from the sands of Judea in 1947).
You never get a straight story as to what it means. As best as anyone can figure, it is the ineffable name of god, or some approximation thereof. The Word (or Name) is a tongue-twister. It takes some practice to get it right. The following pronunciation guide is from Masonry and Its Symbols in the Light of Thinking and Destiny by Harold Waldwin Percival:
The Name is pronounced as follows: It is started by opening the lips with an "ee" sound graduating into a broad "a" as the mouth opens wider with lips forming an oval shape and then graduating the sound to "o" as the lips form a circle, and again modulating to an "m" sound as the lips close to a point. This point resolves itself to a point within the head. Expressed phonetically the Name is "EE-Ah-Oh-Mmm" and is pronounced with one continuous out-breathing with a slight nasal tone in the manner described above. It can be correctly and properly expressed with its full power only by one who has brought his physical body to a state of perfection... Note: this "word" or letter sequences is very similar if not identical to the ones contained in prayers of the Gnostics in the Nag Hamadi Library recovered from the sands of Egypt in 1945 (not to be confused with the Dead Sea Scrolls recovered from the sands of Judea in 1947).
The gesture which can accompany this is for the mason to raise his arms over his heads in a "hands up" fashion and then lower them in three distinct stages pivoting his arms at the elbows until they are perpendicular to the ground keeping his palms down.
Any Mason seeing this gesture or hearing these words is oath bound to do anything possible to save the other Mason from danger, up to, but not including, the loss of his own life.

HAHAHA Alex Jones reports on the MH17 Plane shot down and plays audio 1 DAY BEFORE IT HAPPENED!
Still working on those two post with SHOCKING INFORMATION!
hay ghostdriver is back. sorry i kind of took over your thread in the science department. I posted some interesting things anyway.
What? do you believe aliens planted us here?

read genesis capt 1 The holey spirit hovered over the surface of the deep and went to and frow. What hovers? Why?The earth was void and without shape(dinosaurs). read ezekiel what are the wheels that god rides on?
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read genesis capt 1 The holey spirit hovered over the surface of the deep and went to and frow. What hovers? Why?The earth was void and without shape(dinosaurs). read ezekiel what are the wheels that god rides on?

I kind of subscribe to the theory that we might have been planted here by aliens.

I would rather believe that humans were seeded here, on earth, by aliens, instead of believing that I evolved from an ape, or whatever.

I kind of subscribe to the theory that we might have been planted here by aliens.

I would rather believe that humans were seeded here, on earth, by aliens, instead of believing that I evolved from an ape, or whatever.


If we evolved from apes then we would see a transition period in the fossil records. Gigantopithecus is a known creature that did exist. people tend to get them mixed up with humans.
on another note if we crawled out of the mud then we would see a part human part fish in the fossil records and Im not talking about mermaids either. they did find a fish that walked on land and we still have them today although they are smaller.
I have post on every page on my thread, you have said nothing which hasn't been proven wrong on the page previous to yours. Check the 100 Pages, and Visitors make a account to see the Index. Awkward and lame attempt to troll... Do you get paid or do you do it for your own vendetta?
Here is the application to prove that isn't a joke Anyways still working on those two "shocking" post. Wonder what pitiful attempt of trolling will come after that? Hmmmm...
Page 87 Post 1736 Say's a lot...

And wait until you read and see the next two! Oh yeah and the Pope desolation of abomination wasn't the right event sorry I mentioned that, The Abomination Of Desolation happens after the Rapture of 140,000 and many other events in Revelations.
So I won't say anymore don't want to spoil those two post coming.
Enjoy life and this Great and Terrible time of Revelations unfolding before our eyes... And remember JESUS CHRIST is forgiveness and blots out your sins from the Book of Life so NO ONE CAN READ THEM, because they have been removed that completely.
Man was created on the sixth day.Each day to god is 1000 years to us. After god rested on the seventh day he created adam and eve. This is whay I think we were put here 16000 to 20000 years ago.