The UK Growers Thread!

Cheers Ice, I'm lucky with humidity down shed, it's been around 65%, wich helps keep the mites at bay !

mines the dry tent mate, been keeping in in check up and down 20x a day wetting a towel keeping it bewteen 45-60. fucking went to park yesterday and now its dry like DRY, 4 days and crispy, fuksake, roll on winter yo!

gunna try the dry tent once more, this time with a controller, if it fuks my shit again, i wont be using it again thats for sure. 2 plants dried too fast with low RH%
Well its time to get myself off to work for a nice 11hr shift today, cant be arsed but need the finances, at least I got a few joints rolled to take with and get me thru the day,

"The news came as it was reported the Government will give heroin addicts free foil to encourage them to smoke rather than inject the drug.
The move is designed to encourage junkies to kick the habit and cut their risk of contracting diseases through dirty needles.
It is currently illegal for health officials to give junkies free foil, but new laws are expected to revoke the ban."

I can't wrap my head round this bit.
We have a needle exchange program and have done for as long as I can remember so it doesn't make sense.
free foil to needle junkies lmfao may just as well tell em to stop cos there gonna get sick anyway, lol fuknuggets these polys
"The news came as it was reported the Government will give heroin addicts free foil to encourage them to smoke rather than inject the drug.
The move is designed to encourage junkies to kick the habit and cut their risk of contracting diseases through dirty needles.
It is currently illegal for health officials to give junkies free foil, but new laws are expected to revoke the ban."

I can't wrap my head round this bit.
We have a needle exchange program and have done for as long as I can remember so it doesn't make sense.
no jail for possesion !!!

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has said his party will abolish jail sentences for drug possession if he wins the next election.

Mr Clegg’s proposal would see prison sentences abolished in England and Wales even for possession of Class A drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

The Lib Dems believe that people who use drugs should be treated for addiction rather than caged behind bars.

The party says 1,000 people a year are jailed for the possession of drugs for their own personal use at a cost to the taxpayer of £5m.

Half of those serving time are in jail for using the Class B drug cannabis.

Mr Clegg told the Sun: “At the moment, we are doing an utterly senseless thing - chucking the people who need treatment behind bars so they simply become even more vulnerable to the criminal gangs who exploited them in the first place.”
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give em pure heroin would be THE safest way to deal with the problem, if you registered u get free pure smack of a set dose 2 evryday at the chemists, fukkers could hold a job down then
"The news came as it was reported the Government will give heroin addicts free foil to encourage them to smoke rather than inject the drug.
The move is designed to encourage junkies to kick the habit and cut their risk of contracting diseases through dirty needles.
It is currently illegal for health officials to give junkies free foil, but new laws are expected to revoke the ban."

I can't wrap my head round this bit.
We have a needle exchange program and have done for as long as I can remember so it doesn't make sense.

Because of course, giving smackheads 20p tin foil for free is going to completely eradicate the UK drug problem lmfao
give em pure heroin would be THE safest way to deal with the problem, if you registered u get free pure smack of a set dose 2 evryday at the chemists, fukkers could hold a job down then
isn't that what Switzerland or Sweeden does? it's Switzerland *****
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no jail for possesion !!!

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has said his party will abolish jail sentences for drug possession if he wins the next election.

Mr Clegg’s proposal would see prison sentences abolished in England and Wales even for possession of Class A drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

The Lib Dems believe that people who use drugs should be treated for addiction rather than caged behind bars.

The party says 1,000 people a year are jailed for the possession of drugs for their own personal use at a cost to the taxpayer of £5m.

Half of those serving time are in jail for using the Class B drug cannabis.

Mr Clegg told the Sun: “At the moment, we are doing an utterly senseless thing - chucking the people who need treatment behind bars so they simply become even more vulnerable to the criminal gangs who exploited them in the first place.”
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Yeah it says no prison time but you can guarantee they will increase community service hours and the amount of the monetary fines etc to compansate
whats ukips stance on dope, Don mebbe knows? i think they r all cunts and wont vote for any of the fukkers
Furtherance to the clegg article earlier
