Well-Known Member
![IMG_20140807_223744[1].jpg IMG_20140807_223744[1].jpg](https://www.rollitup.org/data/attachments/2322/2322806-fc4cab1f0f24c39cdc3b8a216fff604e.jpg?hash=_EyrHw8kw5)
ok,Been playing for around 13 yrs now,The Shecter Black Jack ATX flying V with floyd rose bridge and seymour Duncan pickups and my Fender Acoustic Electric Hardtop,and I have a Schecter Omen-6 on the other side of the room.
I play alot of Metal,but can do alot of softer chilled out stuff as well.Definitely my biggest pastime is to jam out and learn about recording.Not in a band or anything as of now.But creating music is a passion for me nonetheless.