Cig Quitters

I quit tobacco cold turkey awhile ago. It was definitely a pain in the ass the first week, but once you get beyond that, you've got it made.

Been using this stuff ever since.


Helps to recondition mind and body by using it instead of the tobacco, cheaper, keeps your breath fresh, and won't kill you.

Give it a go, and good luck.
Right. As I stood there and watched the receptionist at a former place of employment light a cigarette after 7 years of not smoking. Takes much longer than 1 week to get over a addiction to nicotine.
Sure after the first week withdrawals are pretty much over BUT you'll be wanting a smoke for many many months after.
From experience, 2 pack a day habit stopped overnight.
I'm going on 6 years or better without, cold turkey and without a crutch.
The sad statistic is that only 4-7 percent of the people that set out to quit smoking actually make it 6 months, this is without medication to help.
It's up to you and how strongly you feel about quitting.
Awhile before I quit smoking my circle of friends all decided to go to a hypnotist, I just laughed and politely declined their invite. Out of the 4 that went not one quit smoking.
Fucking quitters. I feel like for most of you, this isn't gonna work. Jump on the ol bandwagon, folks. Yeah, we KNOW you wanna quit anyway...

You'll be smoking by the end of the month.......
i do yes i like them every once in a while after a hard day or with a glass of whiskey ...kinda a werid manly thing i do i think haha
Long as you don't try to scratch your balls, you should be good ;) lol somethin somebody said the other day about being called bro...cracked me up.
Right. As I stood there and watched the receptionist at a former place of employment light a cigarette after 7 years of not smoking. Takes much longer than 1 week to get over a addiction to nicotine.
Sure after the first week withdrawals are pretty much over BUT you'll be wanting a smoke for many many months after.
From experience, 2 pack a day habit stopped overnight.
I'm going on 6 years or better without, cold turkey and without a crutch.
The sad statistic is that only 4-7 percent of the people that set out to quit smoking actually make it 6 months, this is without medication to help.
It's up to you and how strongly you feel about quitting.
Awhile before I quit smoking my circle of friends all decided to go to a hypnotist, I just laughed and politely declined their invite. Out of the 4 that went not one quit smoking.
So statistically speaking, we're screwed. Thanks. ;)
Fucking quitters. I feel like for most of you, this isn't gonna work. Jump on the ol bandwagon, folks. Yeah, we KNOW you wanna quit anyway...

You'll be smoking by the end of the month.......
I have to quit. Got surgery coming up soon, doc says I won't heal right if I don't. ;)
Long as you don't try to scratch your balls, you should be good ;) lol somethin somebody said the other day about being called bro...cracked me up.
So statistically speaking, we're screwed. Thanks. ;)

I have to quit. Got surgery coming up soon, doc says I won't heal right if I don't. ;)
With drugs that number goes up to 25%. I'm not talking about nicotine either. There are drugs you can take that will help you stop smoking.
i did actually quit before, and i was completely fine until about 9 months in i had a few drinks with friends who were all chain smokers and than i got sucked back in again
With drugs that number goes up to 25%. I'm not talking about nicotine either. There are drugs you can take that will help you stop smoking.
I have an e-cig I'm going to use. I know, I know..but it's all I've got and can afford at the moment. Those "drugs" cost $$$ and they have bad side effects. I've already tried the Chantix and it turned me into a bitch. Like, raving mad lunatic bitch. Not for me ;)
I have an e-cig I'm going to use. I know, I know..but it's all I've got and can afford at the moment. Those "drugs" cost $$$ and they have bad side effects. I've already tried the Chantix and it turned me into a bitch. Like, raving mad lunatic bitch. Not for me ;)
we have e cigs in canada but they have 0 nicotine in them, i really liked them at the bars...and ive been puffin on one lately because for me its the habit of the inhalation over the actual nicotine
i did actually quit before, and i was completely fine until about 9 months in i had a few drinks with friends who were all chain smokers and than i got sucked back in again
I was quit for just over two months earlier this year. Would have been fine but the asshole I just divorced wouldn't stop chain smoking so a few weeks after that surgery, I started back. He was getting on my last nerve..there isn't enough pot in this world to help put up with him..LOL