However, I've never seen any of the planets in our own solar system either, but I know they're there.
Because enough of our fellow citizens have made direct observations of our sister planets, and because they've been captured on film. That's good enough for me.
There's been enough trained aviators to make direct observations of these things to prove their existence, and the story is always the same: Unusual / non-standard planforms, and performance capabilities that defy our understanding of physics.
There's been trained radar operators that have made observations, and in many cases, these observations coincide with the observations of the pilot in the sky. And again, there is usually a display of flight that defies our understanding of physics, whether through unreal acceleration / deceleration, static flight, or direction changes at speeds and angles no human craft could duplicate.
There's also photographic evidence that further corroborates the observer in the air, and the radar observer on the ground. Granted, a lot of these pictures are pretty shitty, however, most have been taken by cameras not designed to capture objects at the distances or light conditions that these things are observed.
Here's an excellent example that happened above the nations' capital in 1952:
This event was observed by multiple witnesses on the ground, by multiple radar operators at multiple locations, and by multiple pilots in the sky, and there is photographic evidence of the objects in the sky, and their signatures on radar. This event happened over multiple days. To discount this evidence is completely irrational. And yet people do, including our own government.
They're real, and whatever the fuck they are, they're a LOT smarter than our monkey asses.