A friend of mine drew a picture of a strange boomerang shaped craft. He said"it was like something strait out of starwars. it flew overhead and spotlighted him with a blue light. He said it was only going about ten mph and he had three witnesses. I was talking about it to another fella at work someone stops me and says they seen one. He describes it a little and i drew a picture. this guy seen the same thing as my friend, only this one was not moving just sitting still hovering! I have met two other people that seen the same craft one was ten years earlier. I was thinking I would like to see one. All I ever see is strange lights off in the distance and could never make them out although they had erratic flight patterns. One day I'm meeting some friends at the bar so I'm driving along and see a bright light out the drivers side window. I think its a helicopter no big deal then it spotlights me with a real bright blinding light. I look around and see nobody on the road no traffic at all what so ever. I roll the window down and guess what..... no noise at all I slam the breaks the craft hits its breaks I speed up it speeds up It didnt lag at all it matched my speed exactly. At that point I knew something was up. it was almost like it was tethered to my car and it was doing exactly what i was doing at the same time. it maintained this distance of about 50ft and then it moved infront of my car and was flying sideways in front of me as im going down the road and flew over the top of the bar ten feet above the building max no noise at all. as it flew by I was able to see the back of the ship I would say ten feet tall fifteen feet wide and thirty feet long. It looked like it was put together in triangular panels. And it was delta shaped. I looked around the parking lot and ran in the building to find someone anyone and everyone laughed at me all drunk and nobody even checked. This was not a drone It was before drones became big.
Hey here is a clue. There have been secret drone programs since the 30s.
You mean the pigeons in the nose-cone of missiles? :lol:
I knew those damn statue rats couldn't be trusted. What about arachnids? They're alien-tech, too!
Hey here is a clue. There have been secret drone programs since the 30s.
So your saying what I seen was a drone? Funny I don't recall you being there. no sound flying very slow . Matching my speed exactly. I know quite a few people in the airforce and they have no idea what it is. Perhaps you could find a picture of said drone. Ive looked for several years and could find nothing remotely close.
So your saying what I seen was a drone? Funny I don't recall you being there. no sound flying very slow . Matching my speed exactly. I know quite a few people in the airforce and they have no idea what it is. Perhaps you could find a picture of said drone. Ive looked for several years and could find nothing remotely close.

No. Now I'm saying you are trolling by the kindergarten technique of putting the words back in my mouth.

Since there are Secret Programs, how could you know shit about it? How close was it really? And does that mountain match your speed exactly as you go by it 200 miles away?
Sure. I was endless fascinated by perspective as a kid and still am.

It is all a manner of size and perspective, and your superstition. We all have superstition as an actual perception. Stition = pattern making. Super as a prefix = extraordinary. It is a quite technical thing is brain science these days.

We are wired to see patterns that are not even there and make conclusions, to put safety first.
I can still jump at a shadow. Wired. We did that quite well for 50,000 years before we got to Science.

And you pick argument for your belief out of a very thin sentence of mine. Superstition seems to be itching to infect others, even violently and UN-reasonably. Again I am sure that is a survival trait. It is the very Basis of Tribe and Religion.

But, this is the Science section.,

We have a section for Superstition.

Total super stition.
No. Now I'm saying you are trolling by the kindergarten technique of putting the words back in my mouth.

Since there are Secret Programs, how could you know shit about it? How close was it really? And does that mountain match your speed exactly as you go by it 200 miles away?
Sure. I was endless fascinated by perspective as a kid and still am.

It is all a manner of size and perspective, and your superstition. We all have superstition as an actual perception. Stition = pattern making. Super as a prefix = extraordinary. It is a quite technical thing is brain science these days.

We are wired to see patterns that are not even there and make conclusions, to put safety first.
I can still jump at a shadow. Wired. We did that quite well for 50,000 years before we got to Science.

And you pick argument for your belief out of a very thin sentence of mine. Superstition seems to be itching to infect others, even violently and UN-reasonably. Again I am sure that is a survival trait. It is the very Basis of Tribe and Religion.

But, this is the Science section.,

We have a section for Superstition.

Total super stition.
If it was top secret why did it fallow me for 5 miles, 50 feet away, treetop level, right on the edge of the road?why did it toy with me as I hit the breaks and sped up? Why did it fly ten feet above a public building and let me see it? Oh ya 30 feet long ten feet tall fifteen feet wide. NO PROPULSION SYSTEM THAT I COULD SEE?Top secret my ass! I asked a question looking for a possible answer if you dont know you dont know. Why bother responding?
The bottom line up front is that we are, and have been, visited by intelligent beings using craft designed to make use of physical properties we currently do not understand.

What they are, where they come from, and most importantly, WHY the fuck they're here, is the big question. Sadly, we'll never get any closer to the answer if we keep pretending they don't exist.
So you say. A lot of people believe Jesus was real.

No evidence of that either.

And I know we are all wired for super stition.

Where is the Photo, OP, if it was that compelling, following you and all?
So you say. A lot of people believe Jesus was real.

No evidence of that either.

And I know we are all wired for super stition.

Where is the Photo, OP, if it was that compelling, following you and all?

I don't see how you can teach anyone if your so close minded. And you have to be open to possibilities if you ever expect to learn anything. Trolling my posts huh? well this isnt the religion section its the science and technology section. I'm talking about alien tech that you know nothing about nor believe in, so your posts are pointless. Your trying to make me look stupid but you think humans are the only intelligent beings in the universe. Personally I dont care what you think about this topic,It doesnt change THE FACT that I witnessed something strange.
The bottom line up front is that we are, and have been, visited by intelligent beings using craft designed to make use of physical properties we currently do not understand.

What they are, where they come from, and most importantly, WHY the fuck they're here, is the big question. Sadly, we'll never get any closer to the answer if we keep pretending they don't exist.
Did you see something?
Teach? I'm trying to learn. Where is the proof?

Why did everyone see only Angels and apparitions, or faces in the sky, before the Age of Flight? There was not even a single UFO claim until 1947 or something.

A guy saw one of the disk lift experiments from Area 51, in his Cessna. I've seen the video.

After that, All Flying Saucers.

You can just believe in it. That is what a religion is, after all.

No proof.


Did you see something?


However, I've never seen any of the planets in our own solar system either, but I know they're there.


Because enough of our fellow citizens have made direct observations of our sister planets, and because they've been captured on film. That's good enough for me.

There's been enough trained aviators to make direct observations of these things to prove their existence, and the story is always the same: Unusual / non-standard planforms, and performance capabilities that defy our understanding of physics.

There's been trained radar operators that have made observations, and in many cases, these observations coincide with the observations of the pilot in the sky. And again, there is usually a display of flight that defies our understanding of physics, whether through unreal acceleration / deceleration, static flight, or direction changes at speeds and angles no human craft could duplicate.

There's also photographic evidence that further corroborates the observer in the air, and the radar observer on the ground. Granted, a lot of these pictures are pretty shitty, however, most have been taken by cameras not designed to capture objects at the distances or light conditions that these things are observed.

Here's an excellent example that happened above the nations' capital in 1952:

This event was observed by multiple witnesses on the ground, by multiple radar operators at multiple locations, and by multiple pilots in the sky, and there is photographic evidence of the objects in the sky, and their signatures on radar. This event happened over multiple days. To discount this evidence is completely irrational. And yet people do, including our own government.

They're real, and whatever the fuck they are, they're a LOT smarter than our monkey asses.