Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Nice invocation of the holocaust dumbass. More lies to justify Israeli Terrorism parroting Ben Gurion a known liar and terrorist.

The phrase you seem to continually use albeit dance around - "push all the Jews into the sea, dead or alive" is just some bullshit that zionist fuckwits like you perpetuate daily. It didn't come from Nasser or Arafat nor can it be attributed to anyone but Ben Gurion.

Unlike the IDF stooges you cuckold, The Palestinians understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a FREE people.

This is why rabid nuts like you oppose assimilation and liberalism.
who invoked the holocaust? you did numbnuts.

pushing the jews into the sea is a standard fixture in the fatah hezzbollah and hamsa charters, they make no secret of it, even a casual examination of their founding documents makes clear their end game is overthrowing israel and exterminating the jews.

who quoted ben gurion? you did numbnuts.

who are the terrorists? your sacred pallies are numbnuts, not the IDF.

and cuckold.
pure clownshoes.
that word does not mean what you think it means.

you didnt address my statements because they were factual, so instead you threw a tantrum, made some wild accusations and flailed blindly.

you couldnt win an argument with your own reflection.
Hamas caught on video setting up and firing a rocket next to populated hotels;

If anyone says that bombing that area into dust by IDF air forces is "Defending yourself" they are smoking way too much crack. Why doesn't IDF go in with ground forces and clear out Gaza of Hamas extremists? Seems like there would be significantly less collateral damage and civilian casualties. Definitely more IDF dead, but I guess that's not worth a Palestinian civilian populations lives to consider..
Hamas caught on video setting up and firing a rocket next to populated hotels;

If anyone says that bombing that area into dust by IDF air forces is "Defending yourself" they are smoking way too much crack. Why doesn't IDF go in with ground forces and clear out Gaza of Hamas extremists? Seems like there would be significantly less collateral damage and civilian casualties. Definitely more IDF dead, but I guess that's not worth a Palestinian civilian populations lives to consider..
you really are retarded.

despite what you believe, hamas hezzbollah, and fatah are POPULAR organizations, and the pallies are frothing maniacs who would throw their children under the wheels of trucks if Das Juden rolled into gaza in force.

IDF missiles deal with the threats, but a ground operation would be a fucking bloodbath, as every frootloop in the strip would turn out with whatever bombs, molotov cocktails or small arms they could lay hands on.

the IDF would have to slaughter thousands of "innocent civilians" who would all become "noncombatants" as soon as they got hit, by handing off their arms to a comrade and crawling towards the international media's cameras with a sufficiently victimized look on his face.
who invoked the holocaust? you did numbnuts.

pushing the jews into the sea is a standard fixture in the fatah hezzbollah and hamsa charters, they make no secret of it, even a casual examination of their founding documents makes clear their end game is overthrowing israel and exterminating the jews.

Pushing the jews into the sea is a fanciful analogy supposed to parallel the holocaust. Yourself and Ben Gurion know exactly what you're doing by invoking that phrase.

Furthermore, the Haganah, Irgun and stern gang were a jewish terrorist org. that became the IDF - somehow hypocritical fanatics like yourself fail to realise this and decry the Palestinians for doing the same.

Palestine is a state, it has every right to fight illegal Israeli occupation. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
despite what you believe, hamas hezzbollah, and fatah are POPULAR organizations, and the pallies are frothing maniacs who would throw their children under the wheels of trucks if Das Juden rolled into gaza in force.

No, that's just your way of justifying the terrorism committed by Israel and dehumanizing an entire population based on ethnicity, the exact same thing Nazi Germany did to the Jews during WW2

IDF missiles deal with the threats, but a ground operation would be a fucking bloodbath, as every frootloop in the strip would turn out with whatever bombs, molotov cocktails or small arms they could lay hands on.

Again, just your way of dehumanizing an entire population of innocent civilians. Are you really retarded enough to believe that every Palestinian is a member of Hamas?

the IDF would have to slaughter thousands of "innocent civilians" who would all become "noncombatants" as soon as they got hit, by handing off their arms to a comrade and crawling towards the international media's cameras with a sufficiently victimized look on his face.

IDF is already slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians. IDF doesn't do away with the airstrikes and go in on the ground because Netenyahu's objective is to demoralize the population into submission with American style "shock and awe". 7 UN refugee camps with only civilians in them have been bombed by IDF air forces, IDF knows the location of these facilities and still bombs them knowing there are no members of Hamas in them.

At this point, it's as clear as day both sides are committing war crimes by intentionally targeting civilians...

"Around 1,300 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and 59 Israelis, mainly soldiers, have been killed in the latest violence."

...but like I said, if you can look at the numbers and say Israel is innocent of committing war crimes too, put the crack pipe down.
As far as I can tell, the differences between Ben Gurion and the Grand Mufti al-Husseini are only in context, not in outcome. They were both wicked and vile.
Now there is Bibi (a slightly less psychotic version of Ben Gurion) and Khaled Meshaal --waging Jihad on another plate of Bacon and Eggs in Qatar--continuing the saga of stupid. I just keep seeing, in my mind, that 2nd host in the Egyptian video I posted, when he succinctly points out Hamas is going to bring another nakba upon the people.
They are still the largest impediment to any cooperation in that area regardless of Bibi's maniacal blood-lust.

Jim, HAMAS has certainly screwed the pooch this time, I'd say.

10,000 buildings leveled. That is what war is. Millions of Dollars of tunnel work and war factories blow up. All that diversion of Aid to war is over. Thousands of Jihad fighters are dead. Not that many civilians were killed after all. But, many thousands were injured because of these insane HAMAS leaders that claim the Jews are blood drinkers.

The Hannibal Option purged the poor snatched Solider and death dealt his Tormentors as well. I hope he died with a smile on his face.

The world has woken up.

The world can now free these poor war slaves so that maybe they can declare Freedom as Palestinian. Maybe they can get a Peace. The Palestine Authority is back pleading with the world to understand, they have changed their Charter. Israel does have the right to exist. They want peace and to prosper.

I have no problem with that. Do you?
Are you denying "Palestinians" exist?
I do. Just like at a cetain point there were no Americans.

I am all for new States born of the gun. Taiwan is great example, as are the USA and Israel.

So, I am all for the Peaceful State of Palestine. It can be a strong partner with Jordan, Israel and Egypt.
It can happen. It actually might be happening, I think. HAMAS blew it, and the PA is now back.

But only then can there be Palestinian people. They are not a tribe or anything. The Kurds are. How come you aren't bothered by that?

I would see Kurdistan before Palestine, on Merit.

But, real is, get it by the gun and you won. Go Pallies. Get some.
As far as I can tell, the differences between Ben Gurion and the Grand Mufti al-Husseini are only in context, not in outcome. They were both wicked and vile.
Now there is Bibi (a slightly less psychotic version of Ben Gurion) and Khaled Meshaal --waging Jihad on another plate of Bacon and Eggs in Qatar--continuing the saga of stupid. I just keep seeing, in my mind, that 2nd host in the Egyptian video I posted, when he succinctly points out Hamas is going to bring another nakba upon the people.
They are still the largest impediment to any cooperation in that area regardless of Bibi's maniacal blood-lust.


You are just being a little too judgmental and personal. :)
I do. Just like at a cetain point there were no Americans.

I am all for new States born of the gun. Taiwan is great example, as are the USA and Israel.

So, I am all for the Peaceful State of Palestine. It can be a strong partner with Jordan, Israel and Egypt.
It can happen. It actually might be happening, I think. HAMAS blew it, and the PA is now back.

But only then can there be Palestinian people. They are not a tribe or anything. The Kurds are. How come you aren't bothered by that?

I would see Kurdistan before Palestine, on Merit.

But, real is, get it by the gun and you won. Go Pallies. Get some.

So you are for a two state solution, too?

How do we create a two state solution with both sides claiming religious superiority?

The Israelis claim Palestine for themselves as indoctrinated to them via the Old Testament, as do the Palestinians. The problem, as usual, seems to be religion..

How can a two state solution ever prosper when both sides believe they are entitled to the holy land?

It can't.

So since we can't create a stable two state solution, what, in your opinion is the best way to solve this issue?
So you are for a two state solution, too?

How do we create a two state solution with both sides claiming religious superiority?

The Israelis claim Palestine for themselves as indoctrinated to them via the Old Testament, as do the Palestinians. The problem, as usual, seems to be religion..

How can a two state solution ever prosper when both sides believe they are entitled to the holy land?

It can't.

So since we can't create a stable two state solution, what, in your opinion is the best way to solve this issue?

Neutron Bomb?

Abandoning uncompromise?
I think, the Right of Return is the problem and this Holy Land stuff is a meaningless Red Herring.

Israel is a secular country with 20% Arab.

There is no problem here at all but Sunni Jihad.

Gaza should become a West-Bank Palestine and Israel Combined Protectorate.

These are called UN Mandates. It is not difficult at all, except these Sunni madmen that push the Elders of Zion, baby eater, bullshit.

In Germany it is a Federal Crime to even mention that. Yet it is, for real, the Gaza Bible.
I'm for Palestine as the West Bank, only.

They already have Jerusalem, right there, for both. Gaza becomes pacified, educated and Aided and the Brotherhood is hunted like dogs.

Jerusalem becomes the First World Heritage Open City. The entire temple complex and surrounds is designate a World Park forever.
I'm for Palestine existing as a memory.

Palestinians are vile creatures who don't really have anything to offer the world.

Meanwhile the Jews have given us about 1/2 of our Nobel Prize winners.

It's really not even worthy of debate.
I'm for Palestine as the West Bank, only.

They already have Jerusalem, right there, for both. Gaza becomes pacified, educated and Aided and the Brotherhood is hunted like dogs.

Jerusalem becomes the First World Heritage Open City. The entire temple complex and surrounds is designate a World Park forever.

For fucks sake, shut up! Nobody cares what you think.
you really are retarded.

despite what you believe, hamas hezzbollah, and fatah are POPULAR organizations, and the pallies are frothing maniacs who would throw their children under the wheels of trucks if Das Juden rolled into gaza in force.

IDF missiles deal with the threats, but a ground operation would be a fucking bloodbath, as every frootloop in the strip would turn out with whatever bombs, molotov cocktails or small arms they could lay hands on.

the IDF would have to slaughter thousands of "innocent civilians" who would all become "noncombatants" as soon as they got hit, by handing off their arms to a comrade and crawling towards the international media's cameras with a sufficiently victimized look on his face.

And you, you fucktard. Find something useful to do. I come back and your still on the same dumbass rant.
