Why Do YOU smoke Marijuana?

Just paranoid

Active Member
I was diagnosed with manic depressive before it became bipolar I have had anxiety issues since i was 11. In complete honesty i can say mj cures my anxiety. I can just smoke a joint and i relax. it relieves many issues. no lie it makes life better. .


Well-Known Member
I was introduced to weed at the tender age of 12 (why it took that long is still a mystery).

I have since then, done nothing but fall deeper in love with the one thing that has stayed true to me since those early days.

I have never been disappointed from weed itself. Anything that has a record like that, has got to be OK!

I like being high, wait....I LOVE BEING HIGH.

I have found no instances where weed does not fit in ( common sense applied )

I am a eating, thinking, fishing, working and fucking machine with weed :P

Long Live The Weed.

Peace and Stay High



Well-Known Member
Now I do have what my psychologist said "igor depression" with nice social anxiety sprinkled on top with a side of PTSD

And I do tell I huge deference It like blocks out that shit so I forget about it sometimes

And when I remember the bad shit I just think wow im such a pussy for letting it get to me


Well-Known Member
I've like getting high since my teenage years but weed today has a very different meaning to me. It's my work, my hobby, and part of a major movement over here.

I've been asked to step on board a licensed Assiciation- if this goes ahead I own a third share in a weed club! - You're all invited!
Do we get to wear cool hats and shit and have secret handshakes? I wanna be in it! I could be on the experimental strains panel and give feedback on new strains before they are released to the GP

I'm amazed at those that can be functionally stoned. I cannot. Weed is something that takes on a mind of its own when I smoke/eat it. I have to let it go where it will.