The UK Growers Thread!

We had fake soap bar round here a good 13yr ago tho never seen fake squidgy but that sprayed weed was horrible sand and glass and all sorts if shit I heard they even soaked it in something which added a load of weight once dried
Hahaha years ago when squidge just vanished off the streets we had rocky (saopbar)but it was nice dark brown on outside and blonde in the middle but that's what was known as soap bar round here mate bought an oz off this "soapbar" for about £15 he was buzzin we all rolled a fat joint and it gave off black smoke lol and smelt rubbery lol fucking mingin it was
I'd have sacked the jobby center right off and be sofa surfing watching some shite on the box

i find the edible buzz alot more happy n sociable, am quite looking forward to me walk is about an hour walk, that is after ive munched these mini greggs sausage rolls that im opening up n putting bits of strong chedder in hmmmmm lol
I know what you mean, i tend to find if i'm having caps or an edible i don't like to smoke a joint on top of it. quite happy to be stoned from the belly up. have you had a weedy fart yet?
dunno bout wet to touch i only had a small sample of it that was enough lol, overly squidgy, tasted rank, didnt burn properly and very little stone, thats not the only time ive had the fake squidgy tho had it once local n once from the road.

do you still get sprayed weed over there relax? fuck i member that shit was rife across the uk years ago.
In all honesty about 95% of weeds sprayed over here n the ones that aren't ur getting 2g for 50e. Can't even taste the fucking bud half the time n the ash is as black as Wesley snipes n twice as hard lol
how can you get fake soapbar bizz? i thought soapbar was fake/contaminated hash anyway, shiiiiit fake soapbar must be real bad lol
Remember back in the day when u were burning ur soap bar n u see bits of plastic in it burning n melting back...good times
6.99 for 36 jiffy pellets n their 200 for 14e on ebay...thundering whoooores pfft luckily I was so pissed off i opened up another box n took a handful with ninja stealth n put em into my box #thuglife #yolo

Saw this in my news feed, apparently he buys old panting in thrift stores n addeds characters to it...
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That's nothing man when o was about 14 I was spending the summer at my sisters in America n her husband was on business in Brazil so long story short don't EVER LEAVE A FUCKING 14YR OLD INTO THE SAME ROOM THE BIRTHS TAKING PLACE! Fucking no lie @ the end ny sister calls me I look over she says "hey look the placenta" fucking vainy balloon of disgustingness
That's nothing man when o was about 14 I was spending the summer at my sisters in America n her husband was on business in Brazil so long story short don't EVER LEAVE A FUCKING 14YR OLD INTO THE SAME ROOM THE BIRTHS TAKING PLACE! Fucking no lie @ the end ny sister calls me I look over she says "hey look the placenta" fucking vainy balloon of disgustingness
is that why your now a gay?