Kushie Kush

see my sig, a quote from mick's genius mind.

That's a misquote though. Kinda like Fox News playing 6 seconds of a 15 minute Obama speech, waiting for him to say something that fits into their agenda. I'm an independent libertarian so no need to go on any Obama loving bs....
That's a misquote though. Kinda like Fox News playing 6 seconds of a 15 minute Obama speech, waiting for him to say something that fits into their agenda. I'm an independent libertarian so no need to go on any Obama loving bs....
mis quote,LMFAO, that is what you said, word for word. mr, "KINDA organic"

Have you looked at my journal? I don't use all Advanced Products...I use so much shit it will make you puke but I'm not and Advanced fan boy at all. They just produce a few products that work just as well as other products, but in some cases are even more economical(like my Big Swell Example above). Every company has dozens of bottles now, not just Advanced. Botanicare has a whole wall of additives, as does GH, as does Roots, as does Fox Farm, etc, etc....

I am the guy behind the counter btw...There are better and cheaper alternatives to GH 3 part. One is Jungle Juice GMB(exact copy of GH 3 part) , and another is a GMB from Grow More that's almost identical, except it even has more trace elements and is cheaper than both Jungle Juice and GH. Maybe if that's your gardening style you should go into your local hydro shop and buy one of those products. Oh wait your giving up synthetics right? Check out Cutting Edge GMB it's also cheaper and almost all organic.....

Write GH and ask them why Advanced 3 part is cheaper than theirs....Before you come and tell me how to garden or what it is you think I know, take the time to try and really understand the person you are engaging with, and not just throw them in with some generalized idea you have for the people that use a particular product.

Seriously no hard feeling. I just think you got a little wound up when you saw an Advanced thread, and needed to get your hatred out. I can completely understand those feeling. Good luck in your transition to organics, and I wish you success.
almost all organic you say,HMMM!!
mis quote,LMFAO, that is what you said, word for word. mr, "KINDA organic"

I don't care that you put that as your sig, but that was not the entirety of that was said.. Once again just like Fox News and how they pick one phrase from an Obama speech and play it over and over again.
And you don't see how stupid and silly that it.... it's not a badge of honor.

AH makes perfect sense now. Those jockeys know less about products and more about sales.

My plants grow fine so what does it matter to you? Seriously why are you wasting your time trying to show me the light like some Jehovah's Witness at my door?
Once again not a single person can refute the information I originally provided. Sure you can say BB and KK are snake oil, but you cant say they are not very similar snake oils where one is definitely the better snake oil than the other....
how did I miss quote this post, LMFAO
nope, wrong again, people who understand that only a couple bottles without the ADVANCED nute name are needed.

Why don't you bash me on the Photosynthesis Plus thread Chuck? Is it because it is not associated with Advanced, so it didn't get you riled up....
Why don't you bash me on the Photosynthesis Plus thread Chuck? Is it because it is not associated with Advanced, so it didn't get you riled up....
Never used the stuff, Never seen anyone else who does. Never seen a complaint about that company,probably because,

You are retarded, How does the first sentence change your asinine statement in any way shape or form?

and what about leaving out the first few words of the sentence in your sig, are you saying you didnt select words to fit an idea you were trying to establish?