Wat do you see that can be of concern


Well-Known Member
IMG_7084.JPG IMG_7084.JPG IMG_7085.JPG IMG_7086.JPG IMG_7087.JPG IMG_7088.JPG IMG_7089.JPG IMG_7090.JPG IMG_7091.JPG IMG_7092.JPG

Picture 1-4,&10 is of plant 1. Pictures 5-6 is plant 2, pictures 7-9 is plant 3. All seem to be flowering but leaves on one seem to be wilting and curling as you can see in pic 10. I have been watering or feeding everyday
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Well-Known Member
What do I see of concern ?

Someone is growing MJ in their back yard ..........

It looks to me like you overdid it with phosphorus

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Those pots are getting a little small. That would be my biggest concern. They look really good, maybe a little nute burn but nice plants. A transplant would do wonders. But you will still have to keep up with watering at first. those roots are probably so tight they will still drink up all the water in the root zone quick.

I think your curling is more from rootbound than overfeed.


Well-Known Member
You have broad mites...a good miticide should do the trick. Other then that no repotting, they can live out the rest of their lives in the 5gal. LST the bottom to give more energy to the top of the plant. good job so far. what kind of nutes are you giving them? Id get some cal/mag and Nitrogen in them, they need to store that for flowering (hence the start of the yellowing underneath)


Well-Known Member
I have been using floraduo A&B, floralisious plus, a couple times I have watered with epson salt and or molasses. I have even used Alaska fish fert, probably using to many things, Just trying to see what works. I have treated them once with neem. I still have a batch made up so maybe I'll treat again but didn't know if it was to late since they are starting to flower.


Well-Known Member
You have broad mites...a good miticide should do the trick. Other then that no repotting, they can live out the rest of their lives in the 5gal. LST the bottom to give more energy to the top of the plant. good job so far. what kind of nutes are you giving them? Id get some cal/mag and Nitrogen in them, they need to store that for flowering (hence the start of the yellowing underneath)

Where do you see broad mites ?


Well-Known Member
IMHO watering frequency should be determined by the moisture in the soil. The higher the ratio of plant size to container size, the more frequent you will need to feed.


Well-Known Member
It seem that the leaves are starting to yellow more. I tried watering them less a feed them less once every 2 days. After a rain they seem to be looking good so a day or 2 later I water and feed them now the leaves are really turning yellow. The soil is dry down to a inch or two. I checked by putting my finger in the soil. What to do? They are really starting to bud up so I wanna let then go for a whl longer. I dn't think tey are ready to harvest...help please

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I don't agree with 666, I think you should have transplanted a couple weeks ago when you started this thread (not sure if you did or not)And I am basing this on the pic of the one in white pot, way too small...And your not sure if your ready for harvest? Its been what about 3-4 weeks since it started flowering? It takes a bit longer than that to get ready. You might be around the half way point. got any new pics?