Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
Hey yessica, feel free to stop by my journal anytime. I have no issues with people posting whatever they want there. Its a free for all.
Rosey hangs with me in there as well when I'm on. So stop by sometime. Link in my sig.


Well-Known Member
I come to the conclusion that I replied in too many threads last night. LoL

I get it now!

80 alerts? WOW - out of curiosity- how many posts did you post?
It was in 11 threads. Replies and likes I had like 86. LoL
I think I'm all caught up now.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude..your catchin up to me!!!!!!!!!!

Dammit man...LMFAO :D

Yessica sweetheart, meet SGT..the worlds smartass of the day :D Ya gotta love him ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey rosey I'm thinking about going ahead and publishing this rough draft of this song. Only two verses though..

Only issue is my runs aren't working very good right now. LoL

I more than likely wont get it done till after I get back sometime.


Well-Known Member
Hey rosey I'm thinking about going ahead and publishing this rough draft of this song. Only two verses though..

Only issue is my runs aren't working very good right now. LoL

I more than likely wont get it done till after I get back sometime.
Well hell bro, that's cool!!

Oh yeah, don't sweat it till ya get back. It's vacation time, might as well start gettin in the right frame of mind ;)