Count Down to Nov 4th 2014....part 2


Ok. No big deal, carry on.
1776...WTF. I guess you never heard of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Irish know they are the Brits bitch
I guess you never heard of the revolutionary war or the Declaration of Independence
Edit: Oops, I see you were addressing Harrekin. Never mind.
Since were you "grown folk"? Asshole.
Hmmm...that just may be the problem. Not only can you not follow conversations, but you don't realize when grown folks are conversating. We will let you know when you can join in on the convo.
I realize you don't want to be dumb, you were just born that way. We will do our best to help you, but don't jump in until you know WTF we are talking about.:hump:
I realize when "grown folks" are talking. You're not in that group. You don't get to decide who may speak. I realize you do want to be an asshole, you weren't just born that way. You don't know WTF you are talking about, but you never let that stop you from stating your asinine opinions. "Conversating"?
I realize when "grown folks" are talking. You're not in that group. You don't get to decide who may speak. I realize you do want to be an asshole, you weren't just born that way. You don't know WTF you are talking about, but you never let that stop you from stating your asinine opinions. "Conversating"?
You made the mistake jumping into a conversation speaking stupid. Pay attention next time. Will save you from looking like a dumb ass
CheezyO the clan man...

All the people that are signing are happy..I will go along with that..I am one of 40,000 OMIP people that got dumped because of Obama care and all these people should be happy to get covered again...But when the young healthy people are the ones that need to sign up and they don't, that is what you don't under stand because of the Obama crack you been smoking...

Oregon wont get every body that got dumped signed up and so we will have gone backwards...IMO.. Oregon is still at ZERO sign ups the last time I looked at the exchange...So I wonder how many people are really happy?

nitro you didn't get dumped..your junk policy did not cover the ACA's 10 points of coverage and was no longer being offered.
How is that not being dumped?

i need the blue-collar response..hmmmm..let's see:

if you go to mcd's and order a mc rib and they say it's been discontinued, they are not dumping you as a customer..they are no longer offering this particular sandwich..there are other sandwiches which you may purchase.
i need the blue-collar response..hmmmm..let's see:

if you go to mcd's and order a mc rib and they say it's been discontinued, they are not dumping you as a customer..they are no longer offering this particular sandwich..there are other sandwiches which you may purchase.
Insurance isn't a sandwich. He already had the insurance and they took it away.
nitro you didn't get dumped..your junk policy did not cover the ACA's 10 points of coverage and was no longer being offered.


I got dumped. and it was blue cross that some people could still buy but I no longer could. I have no use for birth control or what ever the ten points are for. The OMIP program got dumped because the state set up there own exchange. And that ended up in the trash after over 300 million tax dollars got wasted { cover Oregon} I ended up fending for my self so in the end at least I was able to get covered again.
Brits have always owned your asses
You know, aside from that time we fought the power of their entire empire (from a country where their reinforcements took less than a day to arrive) and we brought them to their knees?

Yeah, they owned our asses there.