opinions please


Active Member
:hump: I am growing for the second time. Last year I grew by chance, had a very seedy bag thought I'd stick some in soil and see what happened. .well she did awesome. I did become a victim of mold but I salvaged some and even more i learned sooo much. Iwas proud of my Lil harvest, now Im doing it again, this year I tried cloning and I think it's successful:hump:. Anyways. Here are some pics just taken. I would love any Advice and opinions. Some of the things I am doing many probably won't agree with. I plucked the heck out of her throughout the grow cuz I didn't last year and it was so bushy and not huge bud. So I'm testing this theory. I also cut quite a few branches. Some I kept as clones. Please look out for my questions thanks. 20140801_093049.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dang Suzy, they are all lookin' really good :hump: Mama looks like she's gonna have a ton of colas :clap: And the babies look real healthy. Good work! We're all here for you, but I think we may wind up askin' you questions instead :bigjoint:

Good Luck :peace:


Active Member
Dang Suzy, they are all lookin' really good :hump: Mama looks like she's gonna have a ton of colas :clap: And the babies look real healthy. Good work! We're all here for you, but I think we may wind up askin' you questions instead :bigjoint:

Good Luck :peace:
Yaah..that really encouraging thankß.well it's fun, she's outdoors they all are. I just st@rted bringing her in at night in a dark room to force flower as last year my plant didn't flower until late aug September and wasn't ready for harvest until End of October way too wet here.we were having rains here and I lost some to mold so one of the things I thought I would try is bringing her in on at 12:12 schedule \oward thend of July. it's only been one week and I don't notice any changes yet is that normal she is trying to get a few white hairs but I guess I expected more. I also have plucked the heck out of her during her life. because the fan leaves were so bushy and last year I didn't. and I think that contributed to my mold so this year I decided I'm going to pluck. after reading so much controversy last year I decided to decide for myself so we'll see how it goes. So far plucking seems to work but we won't know until the end harvest I guess.


Active Member
She is in a 7 gallon pplanted in ocean farms soil. I used by mistake big bloom all through her grow should have been grow big but oh well it worked. and today she got her first dose of big bloom and Tiger bloom I also have given her two feedings of Cal Mag because for two weeks she was only receiving Open Sesame and nothing else so it looked like she started to get a nutrient deficiency.so I went and got Tiger bloom and some more big bloom to finish her. I'm also gonna give it beastie and chi ching. but I have a question about that does anybody knowr do you mix the granules with the Tiger bloom?like mix the beastie bloom with the same mix as the Tiger bloom or do I feed separately on different days. I'm a little confused on that and please don't tell me look at the schedule because I have but I still don't know if I feed her all of them together on the same day in the same water container mixed at the same time. Thanks for all your responses and help I'm excited about this new forum


Well-Known Member
Don't overload her Suzy u should b sticking to the bare minimum at ur stage and experience.I'm not familiar with the tiger bloom herd plenty about it though but because of this a comment from me would b unfair some of the guys that use it will chime in and advice u accordingly...and this post bumps u back to the top..


Active Member
Don't overload her Suzy u should b sticking to the bare minimum at ur stage and experience.I'm not familiar with the tiger bloom herd plenty about it though but because of this a comment from me would b unfair some of the guys that use it will chime in and advice u accordingly...and this post bumps u back to the top..
Thanks here are some pics that I just took today I will keep a close eye on her and hopefully I didn't over feed her if I did how soon shall I see changes or effects of nut burn



Active Member
Don't overload her Suzy u should b sticking to the bare minimum at ur stage and experience.I'm not familiar with the tiger bloom herd plenty about it though but because of this a comment from me would b unfair some of the guys that use it will chime in and advice u accordingly...and this post bumps u back to the top..
Well I'd like to harvest the biggest densest bud and get as much as possible from my one plant so yeah trying to make that happen hopefully here


Well-Known Member
Looks great! Nice and healthy no burnt tips and the leaves are reaching for the sky.


Well-Known Member
plants look great! don't overload on notes I see it happen all too often

its way easier to ADD MORE than it is the flush, wait, and water with low food until you see signs of improvement


Active Member
plants look great! don't overload on notes I see it happen all too often

its way easier to ADD MORE than it is the flush, wait, and water with low food until you see signs of improvement
I'm trying really hard not to go overboard on the nutes so far I think it's been good.


Well-Known Member
how soon after force flowering should I start to see changes
That pic above is showing the changes already. All of those bursts of new growth will all be bud sites :hump: This is the time when the plant stretches. I'm not just talking about some beautiful upturned leaves (and they are purty). But the plant can double in size. :weed: Get the

step ladder out...lol

Good Luck :peace:


Active Member
That pic above is showing the changes already. All of those bursts of new growth will all be bud sites :hump: This is the time when the plant stretches. I'm not just talking about some beautiful upturned leaves (and they are purty). But the plant can double in size. :weed: Get the

step ladder out...lol

Good Luck :peace:
Oh My high heavens.. just from this morning from the time I fed her Tiger bloom until about now which was 9 hours later she is standing straight up and there's been changes she really likes that stuff. I've also noticed since just this morning couple of the oldest biggest fans leaves have change colors and I know that happens but this quickly? last year my plant never turn yellow all of the fan leaves stayed super greens until harvest.please help!! I'll take a picture


Active Member
Here's the new yellowing of the leaves. .seems awful soon to change .sure hope I didn't give them nutes burn. Opinions????20140801_184222.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here's the new yellowing of the leaves. .seems awful soon to change .sure hope I didn't give them nutes burn. Opinions????
Nah, not nute burn. The new growth looks to be leeching Nitrogen from wherever it can get it (totally normal). Old growth fan leaves are usually first. Keep feeding a veg nutrient, with some N in it, for the next 3-4 weeks or so. I use Grow Big, fwiw.

Still lookin' GREAT!!

Good luck :peace: