Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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fuck RCMP. long live the Lakota.

not just my people, do I care about and support. Native and Aboriginal rights everywhere, Kurdish autonomy, Armenian autonomy, recognition of Black Africa's continued suffering from Jihad, the plight of the Bahai, ending the War on American Blacks.............

you don't know me.

So everyone gets a State...except the Palestinians?

cuntrash? LOL
someone should snap your neck like a carrot to end your suffering.

General forward Marwan! onward Bird-Brain! its GODS work we do!!!

I see you can't defend your own baseless assertions.–51_Baghdad_bombings

Two suspected Iraqi Jews were found guilty by an Iraqi court for the bombing, and were sentenced to death. Another was sentenced to life imprisonment and seventeen more were given long prison sentences
The zionists in 1897 sure knew it.

You are just spreading lies. They knew back then there was no such thing as a Palestinian and the land call Plaistine in the Syrian Mandate was up for grabs. The First Zion Congress was set up to legally get that land.

The cone head farmers living there had no govt, identity, will or desire for Independent Sovereignty.

Idiot. The mutts were just mutts with nothing. They most certainly didn't called themselves the Nation of Palestine.

Hey, Mr. Stupid. The Continent I live on is call the Americas, after Americus Vespucci. That did not make the people living here Americans.

We did that. And the Jews made their Isreal by the gun, same as us.
It was a frontier with some Aboriginal farmers, most of which joined the New Israel and became 20% of the population.

What you call the Palestinians, not the Arab Israel citizens, are refugees from other Arab nations, herded there for Jihad.

Zionism aims at establishing for the Jewish people a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine. For the attainment of this purpose, the Congress considers the following means serviceable:
1. The promotion of the settlement of Jewish agriculturists, artisans, and tradesmen in Palestine.

2. The federation of all Jews into local or general groups, according to the laws of the various countries.

3. The strengthening of the Jewish feeling and consciousness.

4. Preparatory steps for the attainment of those governmental grants which are necessary to the achievement of the Zionist purpose.
No such thing as a Palestinian.

It is like the Navaho, Apache, etc, letting in a bunch of Mexicans and setting themselves as the Reconquesta. (which they do, btw and these cartels are part of it.)
If the cartels began rocket barrage over this bs, you know what the USA would do, don't you Irish?
Your funny. Believe, and say what you like, but that doesn't make it so. A very, very large segment of the population of this planet, except in Israel probably, think there is such as a Palestinian, and deserve a homeland that will be called Palestine. Only 2 things thing are standing in the way, Israel and the US. Hopefully the US will come to it's senses and stop giving those assholes in Israel everything their measly little hearts desire. The world would be a better place if they did.
You are just spreading lies. They knew back then there was no such thing as a Palestinian and the land call Plaistine in the Syrian Mandate was up for grabs. The First Zion Congress was set up to legally get that land.

The cone head farmers living there had no govt, identity, will or desire for Independent Sovereignty.

Idiot. The mutts were just mutts with nothing. They most certainly didn't called themselves the Nation of Palestine.

Hey, Mr. Stupid. The Continent I live on is call the Americas, after Americus Vespucci. That did not make the people living here Americans.

We did that. And the Jews made their Isreal by the gun, same as us.
It was a frontier with some Aboriginal farmers, most of which joined the New Israel and became 20% of the population.

What you call the Palestinians, not the Arab Israel citizens, are refugees from other Arab nations, herded there for Jihad.

Zionism aims at establishing for the Jewish people a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine. For the attainment of this purpose, the Congress considers the following means serviceable:
1. The promotion of the settlement of Jewish agriculturists, artisans, and tradesmen in Palestine.

2. The federation of all Jews into local or general groups, according to the laws of the various countries.

3. The strengthening of the Jewish feeling and consciousness.

4. Preparatory steps for the attainment of those governmental grants which are necessary to the achievement of the Zionist purpose.

Zionist leaders were well aware of Palestinians living the area at the time. It wasn't neglected uninhabited or barren before 1882. That is a garbage myth and you sir are perpetrating lies just like you have been throughout this thread. You obviously don't have the balls to admit you're wrong.
Your funny. Believe, and say what you like, but that doesn't make it so. A very, very large segment of the population of this planet, except in Israel probably, think there is such as a Palestinian, and deserve a homeland that will be called Palestine. Only 2 things thing are standing in the way, Israel and the US. Hopefully the US will come to it's senses and stop giving those assholes in Israel everything their measly little hearts desire. The world would be a better place if they did.

Yeah and there are a lot of mutt South American types that are flooding the Zone right now in Reconquista, USA. Does that make them Reconquestoadors. Hell No. And if the world started to shout, (urged by the drug cartel money) Free the Reconquestadors, does mean there was ever such a thing at all? It does not. That would be Conquest. And this Palestinian bs is Conquest.

Jim, I am surprised at you. You are an American. Put aside your Bleeding Heart and look at REAL.

People shouting? If that was it, we'd have no America.

Think it through and stop saying you have already. I give you much to consider but you ignore for your tainted by Jihad, beliefs.
Zionist leaders were well aware of Palestinians living the area at the time. It wasn't neglected uninhabited or barren before 1882. That is a garbage myth and you sir are perpetrating lies just like you have been throughout this thread. You obviously don't have the balls to admit you're wrong.

There were people living in a land arbitraily called Palistine. It never was that.

You are just making it up and tap dancing for Jihad.

You add a lot of words that come from your warped brain, not mine.

i NEVER SAID THAT. You did. The Zionist got that land legally and there are Arabs in "palistine land" but that does not make them Palestinian.

The Mexicans living in Reconquista are not anything either, but illegal.

It is a bunch of Arabs backed by Sunni Jihad that SUDDENLY called themselves Palestinian for Jihad and Gestapo.
You are a joke. You provide nothing to prove me wrong, and yet I can recite chapter and verse of this issue.
Hopefully the US will come to it's senses and stop giving those assholes in Israel everything their measly little hearts desire. The world would be a better place if they did.

The world knows your type and most of the world is your type.

Jew Haters.
Jim if you were from my Grandfather's generation, you would hate the Jews for some other reason.

The Catholic Church is what I hate for this.
So if there is no Palestine...who's property are the Isrealies shelling?
And why does CBC news continue to call them Palestinians?
This supports the old theory that the Earth is flat...for some people.
Jihad is fueled by oil money. With money you can get the Press to say anything.

They can call themselves Red Martians. It doesn't matter. They have never had legal standing and their "self governance" is a sham.

They are HAMAS war slaves. Those are facts. The rest is attempt to practice genocide on Jews, via Gestapo Sharia,

You know the Lie180degrees rule.

Apply it.
So if there is no Palestine...who's property are the Isrealies shelling?
And why does CBC news continue to call them Palestinians?
This supports the old theory that the Earth is flat...for some people.

Who's property? HAMAS.

And you leave off the stupid parting shots when dealing with adults, child.
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