Your favorite comedians


Well-Known Member
I am wicked picky about stand up... I'm always scraping for stuff that I consider quality. It makes it daunting to take on new comedians' acts because I sort of expect most of them to not be good.

So I thought I'd ask, what are your absolute favorite comedians? Like seriously top shelf? Like who is missing from my list? And what is your list?

My favorite comedians are, in a fluctuating order of seniority that is currently as such:

1. Dave Chappelle
2. Louis CK
3. George Carlin
4. Bill Hicks

Some of my favorite acts are singular acts, like there was this Dana Carvey HBO special in the 90's that was like this beautiful timeless moment of performance. A lot of you probably know the one I mean, it has the "chopping broccoli" bit and a lot of funny OJ Simpson jokes. I've seen a handful of other Dana Carvey specials but none of have lived up to it so he doesn't quite make my top-shelf list even though I love him.

I also recall a very good Jon Stewart special in the same time period, long before he got up on the daily show. Shit I even remember seeing an excellent Howie Mandel set, who surprised me by being fucking awesome.

So... who's missing from my list? What is your list?

And are there any other good Dave Chapelle stand up specials other than Killin Them Softly and For What It's Worth? These are both hilarious but I need more... wish he was still doing this sort of work.

Louie is pumping out work; and thank god, because the other half of my list is dead.

Edit: Oh, I forgot Katt Williams and Mitch Hedberg... I had a good period of enjoying each of them earlier on and would watch more if they produced more I imagine... (Half of this edit/list is dead too.)
My all time favorite is probably mitch hedberg, rip but kinda surprised no one has said old georgie carlin, hes a guaranteed laugh but again rip

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Oh good call, Jim Breuer's new act that was on netflix this past year was really good.

Kevin Nealon's was really good for about half the set, then it petered.

Thanks for the names guys, I will check em out.
Sam Kinison absolutely KILLED!


Patrice O'Neal

Steven Wright
I had the pleasure of seeing Mitch Hedburg many years ago......I think it was our 20 wedding anniversary it was 1997. we had great seats and I believe that Mitch never opened his eyes the whole time he was on stage......I know he was stoned but he was funny as shit.....its a shame he's gone but not forgotten...
It wasnt till I heard his standup that I realized he was the dude In that 70's show working the Hub I thought had like 0 brain cells left from all the toking lol. He definitely was your stereotypical stoner lol

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Yeah actually that Cross set is really good, I forgot about that too. He is pretty funny. I watched a couple seasons of Arrested Development at some point, he made it pretty enjoyable.

Prior and Murphy are old classics at this point... I do dig them both but I find my energy works better with modern comedians more often than not. Poor Eddie Murphy, he should go back to stand up.

Daniel Tosh is a surprisingly talented comedian despite having an ego the size of the local star cluster. He had a pretty funny set circulating a while before Tosh.0 came out. I don't like his show but he really tears up the audience in his live sets and it's pretty terrible and funny at the same time.
Bo Burnham's new(er) show is free on youtube and it's totally enjoyable. It really borders more on performance art now, which I think fits because he was never did straight comedy in the first place, what with the songs and all. Anyway I like this blend a lot better than his early work.