Note to self thread

The mature GWN no longer frequents those types of establishments.
If a guy's looking for trouble there's not a better recipe than: 100 hard drinking young men, a bevy of naked women and roughly 7 gallons of testosterone.
(Add more shots)

My eye is swelling just typing this.
Don't miss it a bit. :wink:
I was gonna mention the testosterone plus tequila earlier but decided I ought to consider the company Im in ;) haha
Why wont it let me do as before..........Fnnn Grrrrrr
DAMN its a you tube Vid.........

LOVE that song!

The reason is, it's a VEVO video. Those won't work. The vid links should have /watch?v=plus a few letters and numbers like this..


The VEVO and some others will have "feature=player_detailpage&" then the v= in them..those won't copy/paste. Just remember the address should be short, not long. ;)
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its hard i still feind for dem marlboros .... day 17 now.... fuckit keep on truckin
I know what you mean brother, I'm still smoking myself. Hard as hell, gonna try to quit again soon. Between my lungs and my wallet, I need to.

Keep up the good work ;)
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