I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

Ahhh fellas.... everyone's initials are an acronym forwards and backwards.

[QU youOTE="Nevaeh420, post: 10744957, member: 460873"]I believe what I say, and I say what I believe.

so you don't care about your freinds George,,,,what about your family like your mother or father,,George. They must be hurting to see there little baby boy has gone a bit off the rail? Don't you care about there feelings ( you need to answer that one for me please George)[/QUOTE]

Friends don't let freinds misspell friends.

Their feelings are more important than that kettle of piss

are you an alien George? Do you want me to take you to our leader? i saw Mary last night again in my dreams George,,,she says hi, and how are you..

I am not an alien.

But I am an alien compared to life outside of the earth. If extraterrestrials do exist, then I would be considered an extraterrestial compared to the aliens, by definition anyways.

Please, take Me to "our leader". I would like to meet "our leader".

EDIT- My mother, Mary, is right next to Me. I asked her if she wanted to say anything to you, and she said "No, I don't know this person."

I don't tell My family, friends, nor strangers that I am Christ, anymore.

When I was telling My family and friends that I am the Christ, it was hurting them. I stopped telling people that I am the Christ a long time ago.

Now, I just tell people on the internet that I am the Christ, because I believe it. Its like My biggest secret that you guys are privvy to.

yeah but your not the Christ, and your hurting us by telling us this, even if you keep it quite, we will still know your §ill lying to yourself and hurt us ,,you don't want to hurt us do you George, please dont
im ok, im a bit confused , had the weirdest dream last night , dreamt i was in a little shop called the dream maker,( strange i know ) and people in the village saw me as the local dream fixer, and id go round fixing peoples broken dreams, i felt like a modern day Jesus Christ, doing alsorts of good christian things,there was one person who came to me and said" mister dream fixer my friends had his head in the clouds for most of his life but he wasn't always like that, she said it hurts me to think hes gone a bit,, well you know cuckoo and my dream would be to fix his unrightfull mind so he becomes my friend again, the one i used to know when we were young,, but his heads so far up in the clouds he cant see what's really happening on earth and is breaking my heart, this was a strange dream i hope your following this George, anyways, this i thought would be an easy project, but everyone knows projects take time,so i said " girl ill have to go back to my little shop of dreams and figure out something out, may be we just need a gentle breeze to clear the clouds so he can see what damage hes doing on earth, or we need to be abit more angry and aggresive and give him abit of his own medicine, ,,,,then i woke up George,,it was the strangest dream,,iv heard dreams have somesort of connection to the real world,,,,what connection do you think this has George ??

Dreams mean naught!

so what about the one i met the holy ghost and Jesus what do they mean. ,need i say more

Unless you can prove that Jesus and the holy ghost exist, I will not believe in them.

I dream about a lot of things, but My dreams don't mean anything. I usually forget what I dream about, but dreams mean naught anyways.

George in confused to who you say you are, ?? Are you the messiah are you Christ are you the savior are you the anionted one ??? What are you if not good old average George???? Please educate me ,, because iv seen your youtube claims , and to perfecty honest George there just silly!!
i cant see your real purpose on this earth but to sit at your pc and reel off a load of bullshit( which i hope you'll prove me wrong) about how you are so important with your ideas,,,???,,, please give me some more understanding as to who you are , because at the moment your just ...george on rollitup!! Ok,, i will defintly read in great interest about your claims George, thank you
I just took another avatar selfie picture.

My goatee is getting real long, huh?

I might trim down My goatee, and take another picture.

where is it then , i bet you look like a messiah

My avatar selfie picture is in the top left part of every post I make.

Before, My goatee was short; now My goatee is a few inches long.

My avatar picture is right next to My username, Nevaeh420, at the top left of every post I have made.

Its not that I look like the Messiah, I am the Messiah- the Christ- the King- the Prophet- the Savior- the Chosen One.

Looks have nothing to do with being the Messiah. I am the only Messiah, so I look exactly like Myself.
