4 plants 1 pot. showing sex need advice.


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas, Ok so do to me not completely thinking this out, I decided to plant 4 plants in 1 10-gallon pot, figuring I would keep the stongest plant once they flowered.

I realize now that this was a totally bad idea. The plants compete for soil and nutrients, resulting in the tallest being 16" and the shortest still 8" with the same amount of nodes. (same genetics, same stresses, etc)

Today I cut first plant which was confirmed male.

My question is, Will the old root system rot and cause a fungus/disease, or will it just turn to compost.

I've checked on here for the past day and a half but cant find any solid research

I'm never ever using this approach again. But, I have a real promising female that I dont want to hurt.

Please dont answer me with something stupid, if your sitting there just looking to get your message count up. I know I made a mistake. I want some advice from someone who might have made this mistake.

Like that Robb333 motherfucker...... just shut up already. I wish I could punch you in the face, with a forklift


New Member
im no expert but i would repot them (into different pots) asap.
as long as the roots haven't intertwined (didn't know i could spell that shit) should be easy to do just let the soil dry a little first.


Well-Known Member
im no expert but i would repot them (into different pots) asap.
as long as the roots haven't intertwined (didn't know i could spell that shit) should be easy to do just let the soil dry a little first.
Oh they are intertwined my friend. I viewed that option but I dont want to stress them that much as they are just starting to flower.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
your plant most likely will be harvested by the time the old roots begin dying and causing any potential problems. i wouldn't worry about it. i've done it with all kinds of herbs and veges and never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
Ya I agree with Po boy should be fine. Also suggest re potting them anyways asap before they flower anymore because your problems are only going to get worse if you dont. Just do your best to gentle when untangling the roots some will get ripped plant will get lil stressed out prob get lil droopy afterwards for few days but they most likely will survive and recover


Well-Known Member
Listen VERY closely...

top them, let them branch out a bit, clone them.... make 2 or 3 clones of each plant.

Then, take 1 clone from each plant and put it in flower.... to see which one's females.

Then you still have a bunch of clones left over still in vegging, that you can also take clones from... Throw out which ever ones are males. Unless they're all males, which I doubt, unless you hit the male jack pot.

keep a perpetual going.


Well-Known Member
if you decide to repot just take a box cutter knife and cut them out giving wide berth to the plant u want to keep or going down the middle of two plants you are gonna keep they aint that fragile and roots always are growing . just use some common sence you'll b fine , good luck .


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas,

Please dont answer me with something stupid, if your sitting there just looking to get your message count up. I know I made a mistake. I want some advice from someone who might have made this mistake.

Like that Robb333 motherfucker...... just shut up already. I wish I could punch you in the face, with a forklift
lol punch you in the face with a forklift!!

haha bro , do u even do gangsta lolol ROTFLMAO!!!! poor thing;)


Well-Known Member
I did even worse than you =) I put four sour diesel seedlings into a 1 gallon pot. Same here, was just going to sex them and keep the best one or two. I wasn't even sure I was going to start growing again but you know how it is when you see that first seedling pop.... can't resist! They dont seem to mind.... the height difference between the tallest and shortest is about two inches so not as big of a problem as you are facing. I decided to take clones from the inner side of each plant to open up some space and light. I am actually hoping for one male to pollinate a branch of my single and sexy girl scout cookie female (curious of the result). I have done this a bunch of times and separating them is challenging but not really that big of a deal. Cut the roots you can't untangle and try to protect the fattest roots as best you can. They'll grow new ones and be fine. Of course you should transplant them in veg and i would say a week or more before flowering... I doubt you'll even notice anything more than slowed growth for a day or two but then they seem to rebound fantastically. Good Luck! Let us know how it worked out