Well-Known Member
You ever have one of those days you wished you never got out of bed? Today was one of those days.....
First I'm putting an addition on the house. I'm adding about 400sq. ft. and another bathroom. We need to locate the septic tank. As I'm digging around for it trying to locate the caps which are in wooden boxes 3-4 feet down, I step on the top of the wooden box and I break through the top of the wooden box, my left leg goes straight down that 3'-4' to the top of the cement tank, my right leg stays on top,so I ended up damaging my right knee, swollen and sore
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Next I go to the lumber yard for lumber, re-bar and other supplies which included 2 - 1.25" X 20' sticks of sch 40 PVC pipe and 2 - 1" x 20' sch40 PVC. The total for everything was $430, which I thought was high. Then I went to lunch, while at lunch I was looking at the receipt from the lumber yard and they charged me $84 for 2 pieces of 1.25"X20' PVC....WTF? Then I called the pipe supply place for a price quote...$11 ea there. I can understand a bit of a mark up, BUT 400% MARK UP? I'm returning EVERYTHING I bought from them, Try to fuck me, no FUCK YOU!
This evening me and the wife go down to the garden to harvest what needs to be harvested, and I have about a hour of chores to do down there on the girls. Next thing I hear the wife yelling "RATTLESNAKE" AND I THINK IT GOT MARLEY! Sure enough the dog got hit on the snout. So we rush her to the 24 hour vet a hour and a half away. They tell me she needs anti venom at $900 a bottle. Could be 3-4 bottles or more. I told the vet to give her some pain killers and I'll go to the pharmacy and feed her Benadryl at home. So Marley seems like a tough dog, lets hope for the best for her.
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As we're leaving we get in the car and it won't start.....are you fucking kidding me? So I called AAA and got a tow home.
12:01am now, thank god that day ended, now I can go to bed without worries.....I hope.
I can't "like" that post...poor TMB, wife and poor Marley. Let us know you are all OK. I'm so afraid a rattler could get my doggy.