Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

Week 16 - or week zero of flower

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Powdery mildew reported in the area. Very wet and humid July for us. I continue to do preventative pm treatments with Actinovate sprays and have not seen any yet, knock on wood.

Pics 3 and 4 focus on Chocolope Kush, the biggest stretcher of the bunch over last week. Behold the power of the crystals!

Last pic is remnants from a mountain lion feast hung out back of the greenhouse. Get 3 or 4 kills on my property every year and lost a dog this past Feb. to 'em. So far we've only found one of his paws. Makes you think a little differently about the woods when you're walking around them at night.
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Your place looks gorgeous, I truly am jealous. Almost hate looking through your thread, makes me so jealous and miss the mountains soooo much! Lol your girls are looking great man, they are really blowing UP!!

Been super humid down here as well. Best of luck with mold issues, i'm sure you will have no problems.

Damn, I am so sorry to hear about your dog. My neighbor where I use to live lost one to them as well. Those bastards... Are neat to watch though, as long as they are not hungry/after your pets. Really gives you (er well me anyways) an adrenaline rush seeing them at night. I think i'd rather deal with those than the F'ing rattle snakes/hanta virus/ bubonic plague and shit that i'm finding out is down in the plains.

Best of luck, I love watching your plants blow up! Excited to see them blooming
I seen one in Michigan lower peninsula! It cleared a full road in one leap had a three foot tail and looked 100lbs. Told the dnr and called in on a talk show and they basically laughed at me.
be gentle and vigorous. Don't break branches. short fast shakes for 20 to 30 seconds when you let go your plants branch (the one your shaking) will look limp It picks back up the next day and twisting the branches will strengthen them. if you hang on a minute ill give you a video link.
Hes in a green house anyway. Mountain air or what? Michigan is messed up I've seen green grass in december so anything is possible.
prepare yourself, the monsoons are coming!

I thought monsoons were for India?

The flash flood alerts are up today so glad I got a chance to seal my greenhouse roof Sunday morning. We'll see what develops. I'm still trying to figure out what a Colorado monsoon is. As best I can tell it is a high flow of moisture from the gulf that causes daily severe thunderstorms and higher humidity. That has pretty much been our July this year. Wish we could trade with Cali for a week or two!

It kills me to see day after day of heavy clouds, especially going into flower, but so it goes. I guess you never get exactly the weather you want...
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be gentle and vigorous. Don't break branches. short fast shakes for 20 to 30 seconds when you let go your plants branch (the one your shaking) will look limp It picks back up the next day and twisting the branches will strengthen them. if you hang on a minute ill give you a video link.

I've never heard of this technique. If I can find that video and check it out, I'm game to try it on at least a few branches. Only pruning and topping have worked on my Green Crack so I'm curious.
I've never heard of this technique. If I can find that video and check it out, I'm game to try it on at least a few branches. Only pruning and topping have worked on my Green Crack so I'm curious.
Subcool did an episode of the weednerd and did the shake and twist i think its in the first 40 episodes not sure what one though. I tried to find a video for you i looked for a couple hours and didnt see one. The twist you just grab a skinny branch with you thumb index and middle fingers and twist the branch just dont twist more than 360 degrees.