I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

if i can prove that millions of people have the same intials and a mother called Mary, will you stop, or is that a stupid question?

Please prove how many people have the initials "G.M.O.", and have a mother named "Mary".

Also, while you are at it, please prove how many people are named "George Manuel Oliveira", and their mothers name is "Mary".

Regardless how many people have My initials or My Name, I am unique.

I just want to be the King of the world, so I can bless everyone.

George i give in, fuck, you are jesus , your mother is Mary the virgin, you are the anionted one,, but i bet you cant turn water into wine without spilling some,?

I am not Jesus.

My mother is not a virgin.

And I can't perform miracles like turning water into wine.

I am just Christ- the Prophet.

Are you an anarchist?

I thought anarchy was supposed to be like chaos, or no laws.


oh Chaos has laws, depending on what type of Chaos your talking about.
Sometimes Chaos is for the Good, sometimes not, but there is no good or bad in Chaos.
Chaos is a tool sometimes used by Karma to restore balance for example.
Chaos is older then any religion.
What about all the 'old' religions anyway? Pagan? etc.. why do we have Christmas trees? all integrated from the old religions mate.
But in this day and age, we are still evolving, We are all still in the dark ages <but there has been some improvements I suppose and many have suffered to make them>

So who's fault is that? our creator? NO. ours.

I prefer nowadays to have my own internal religion, its a personal thing, its been 2000 years since JC came here after all, do we need to still SHOUT about it and force it down peoples necks?
Now, im not saying you are before you defend yaself.

I guess JC himself was laughed at the same way as people are now laughing at you.
Im not. Im not anything.
Im listening and making my own mind up, its my right to have a choice.

I also just believe you have the right to express yourself aswell, to make your own choice and so do others aswell.

Besides, always keep a open mind, as its easier to drop something new into it.

Freedom of speech is a great thing but it can put you into the limelight a bit mate, be careful,
these are the days of Chaos & indeed, Anarchy
like It was in the past.
It now seems a crime to believe in anything,....again.

Peace 2 U & All.
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I am inspired, by Myself.

I hope that My book will be published within the next year or so.

still lying to your self George,,,what a shame,,, do you believe in people having feelings, and broken hearts, because if you do there's alot of good people on this forum who think your an ok guy , just a bit crazy, i had a freind like you, he wasn't all there, but he knew in a way but couldn't help himself, he to was an ok guy, with freinds just like you have, but the way he is was hurting his freinds feelings and breaking there hearts to see a good freind be so untrue to himself and doing him sef syclogical harm,,, this is what you are doing George, your hurting your freinds being the way your are(don't say you cant help it) people would like you to stop what your thinking and just be a normal person like everyone else, i know you in there George , somewere,,,its just a matter of breaking down the walls of untruth?
iv got stage 4 liver cirrhsis George, time, days , months, years mean nothing to me, if i acomplish one thing in life before my times up, it would make me happy to get you to see and think the truth George, ,,,, if this doesn't happen,,,, George ill see you heaven,,,AND THAT IS A GOD DAMN FACT!!!!
oh Chaos has laws, depending on what type of Chaos your talking about.
Sometimes Chaos is for the Good, sometimes not, but there is no good or bad in Chaos.
Chaos is a tool sometimes used by Karma to restore balance for example.
Chaos is older then any religion.
What about all the 'old' religions anyway? Pagan? etc.. why do we have Christmas trees? all integrated from the old religions mate.
But in this day and age, we are still evolving, We are all still in the dark ages <but there has been some improvements I suppose and many have suffered to make them>

So who's fault is that? our creator? NO. ours.

I prefer nowadays to have my own internal religion, its a personal thing, its been 2000 years since JC came here after all, do we need to still SHOUT about it and force it down peoples necks?
Now, im not saying you are before you defend yaself.

I guess JC himself was laughed at the same way as people are now laughing at you.
Im not. Im not anything.
Im listening and making my own mind up, its my right to have a choice.

I also just believe you have the right to express yourself aswell, to make your own choice and so do others aswell.

Besides, always keep a open mind, as its easier to drop something new into it.

Freedom of speech is a great thing but it can put you into the limelight a bit mate, be careful,
these are the days of Chaos & indeed, Anarchy
like It was in the past.
It now seems a crime to believe in anything,....again.

Peace 2 U & All.

I'm not a fanatic about Myself, as the Christ, anymore.

Its getting old to Me, as the Christ, because I have been believing Myself as the Christ for about 6 years now.

I'm not even quite sure what I would like for people to believe in. Its not like I want people to believe in God or Jesus, or any religion. I believe that people should make their own mind up about their beliefs, or non-beliefs; but people should also be skeptical about their unproven, subjective beliefs.

I'm really not trying to convert anyone to anything. I just enjoy debating about Myself, because I know Myself better then most people. I would like for people to believe in Me, but there are no consequences if they don't believe in Me.

I just want to entertain you people with My Truth. I believe in Myself much more then I believe in God or Jesus, or any religion, but I'm still a Truth seeker that is learning. I don't have all of the answers, but I have some good solutions to the worlds problems. I want to teach what I know.

I'm not trying to start a cult, so people don't need to believe in Me; as long as I am teaching and entertaining, I am fulfilling My purpose.

still lying to your self George,,,what a shame,,, do you believe in people having feelings, and broken hearts, because if you do there's alot of good people on this forum who think your an ok guy , just a bit crazy, i had a freind like you, he wasn't all there, but he knew in a way but couldn't help himself, he to was an ok guy, with freinds just like you have, but the way he is was hurting his freinds feelings and breaking there hearts to see a good freind be so untrue to himself and doing him sef syclogical harm,,, this is what you are doing George, your hurting your freinds being the way your are(don't say you cant help it) people would like you to stop what your thinking and just be a normal person like everyone else, i know you in there George , somewere,,,its just a matter of breaking down the walls of untruth?

This has got to be one of the longest questions, lol. Try and use proper grammer.

Amyways, I am just going to be My humble Self, no matter what people believe or think about Me.

I know that its inevitable that I am going to offend people, because I am claiming to be Christ, but My intentions are not to offend anyone. You won't catch Me personally attacking peoples character.

I am just looking for witnesses and advocates. I want the whole world to witness Me, and maybe My novel solutions can help people. I would like to teach the world My solutions.

I just want to help people. I want to give people something to believe in.

This has got to be one of the longest questions, lol. Try and use proper grammer.

Amyways, I am just going to be My humble Self, no matter what people believe or think about Me.

I know that its inevitable that I am going to offend people, because I am claiming to be Christ, but My intentions are not to offend anyone. You won't catch Me personally attacking peoples character.

I am just looking for witnesses and advocates. I want the whole world to witness Me, and maybe My novel solutions can help people. I would like to teach the world My solutions.

I just want to help people. I want to give people something to believe in.

so i take it your still lying to yourself and hurt people close to you who care,,in not the only one who knows your not being truthfull to your self, everyone else does to, you didn't answer my question ,, do belief you hurting your friends hearts being like you are( and don't say , i am who i a),,, the real savior wouldn't carry on like this because we would belive him so it wouldn't hurt,,,,thanks for the ' use proper grammer' George in a litle dexlexick,,,, but you don't care just like you don't care about your fiends,,in beginning to think your not as nice as you think George,,,please reconcider you evil man!!
I am good every day.

How are you buddy?

im ok, im a bit confused , had the weirdest dream last night , dreamt i was in a little shop called the dream maker,( strange i know ) and people in the village saw me as the local dream fixer, and id go round fixing peoples broken dreams, i felt like a modern day Jesus Christ, doing alsorts of good christian things,there was one person who came to me and said" mister dream fixer my friends had his head in the clouds for most of his life but he wasn't always like that, she said it hurts me to think hes gone a bit,, well you know cuckoo and my dream would be to fix his unrightfull mind so he becomes my friend again, the one i used to know when we were young,, but his heads so far up in the clouds he cant see what's really happening on earth and is breaking my heart, this was a strange dream i hope your following this George, anyways, this i thought would be an easy project, but everyone knows projects take time,so i said " girl ill have to go back to my little shop of dreams and figure out something out, may be we just need a gentle breeze to clear the clouds so he can see what damage hes doing on earth, or we need to be abit more angry and aggresive and give him abit of his own medicine, ,,,,then i woke up George,,it was the strangest dream,,iv heard dreams have somesort of connection to the real world,,,,what connection do you think this has George ??