BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Best stuff for those thrips mate is stuff called optic foliar over grow this stuff fixes almost anything from pm to nute def to mites u name it it sorts it out! Tryed n tested but get the concentrated stuff :) I got 2 Carolina reaper in veg :)
$16.75 for a small spray bottle and a whopping $104.30 shipping ffs. that's not happening lol.

Looking at being in the new house before crimbo so I reckon I'll just take snips isolate them and flip them and manage the thrips til i tear down. I'm just glad thrips are reasonably manageable.

typically the weather being great for the past couple of weeks and showing no sign of letting up I'm not risking putting another 600 on in the room through the daytime on opposite schedule to my main flower chamber. which means the now monster psychosis I've got scrogged is going into the main room this week. If I can lift it out haha.
I checked the site and they have distibutors and resellers in the UK. Reckon you can spray when the lights are on as well...I wonder what's in it.
I payed £20 from my local hydro shop
lol. rights then I've been meaning to pop along to mine for a while. might get on that this week. was it deffo the overgrow one yeah? it's weird it doesn't say owt about thrips on the site but on loads of grow sites and resellers it does. i've reduced the larvae drastically with fertilome but i get the feeling they need a bit extra kicking to get shot of them completely.
I checked the site and they have distibutors and resellers in the UK. Reckon you can spray when the lights are on as well...I wonder what's in it.
unicorn tears probably mate. see that bit about just spraying the top of the plants and not under leaves throws some questions eh.
LMFAO! @Don Gin and Ton . are u saying you drank some not ripe sour spoiled beer cuz it was leaking out of your barrel? were u eating the BarBQ raccoon assholes again?lol
that's about the size of it amber. I got a new seal for the barrel but sadly the brew is a part failure as the sugar hasn't fully fermented out. live and learn. i should have stumped for a proper metal keg and had done with it.

had a few too many yesterday in the beer garden. I'm pink and feels like my face is all crinkled. not to mention my heads like a bouncing bomb.
Everything is all over, everywhere i have too many plants. me being a divvy and not potting shit up means i've basically got way over what i need for the next round. I might have to trim half of them to be SOG style and mini mainline the others.

Don't ask what's what I have no idea for the most part. Pic Fart:DSCF2544.JPG DSCF2546.JPG DSCF2548.JPG DSCF2550.JPG DSCF2552.JPG DSCF2554.JPG DSCF2556.JPG DSCF2558.JPG DSCF2560.JPG DSCF2562.JPG
While potting up yesterday i found a couple of plants i've marked Candy kush. think they were freebies from the secret cup but by god they smell so sweet. probably the sweetest dope i've smelled and in veg too.
ahh right cheers thanks for the info dude. I can't remember the packaging tbh but that sounds about right, I was looking this morning and saw there was an auto by delicious seeds and thought. I wouldn't knowingly pop auto's haha
so after thinking long and hard and investigating that overgrow stuff ( which doesn't say anywhere in there blurb about thrips ) I've ordered some Amblyseius cucumeris, predator mites basically. i'm giving them the 3 cycle frertilome treatment ( cheers cof) I even put a bit of fertilome in the feed just to get the under medium ones lurking. The mites will go in next week.
some buDP0rn of that physchosis beast when u pull it out real good DGT. I really would like to see that sexy beast and her big phat trunk. up her skirt and shit.
be glad u don't have russet woms, can u imagine feeding your girls! LOL! ASPRIN! and Lo and Behold.. new research report came out of da UK today ...they found MaryJane helps cure Lung hear ya on putting another 600 watts in with the heat. the heat is a BIOTCH!