Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Extra bonus points if you like the sight of your own blood...
I get THOSE points myself...I do like the sight of my own blood...I just don't go searching for it anymore.

Oh, and period blood DOES NOT count. Before one of you pervy perv's starts asking me for an Angel kiss or some shit...

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I haven't had time today! I've been with my friend Berta all day... She just lay down for a nap so I'm having a smoke out back. When she leaves I'll put it on. Promise.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else want to have sex with someone in zombie make up?
Couple years ago at a haunted house a dead nurse type hopped out of a dark corner. She was so hot I stayed back from the group and proceeded to hit on her. She played her zombie roll for a bit but eventually gave up the bit and chatted me up. Later that night I requested she leave the makeup and costume on while I fucked her silly.