Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Last Night Blew!I was reeking of bud and bubble hash when I was met by HPD.They thought I had just parked in the diamond section because I felt like it,I just laughed @ the little blue Man.Decent Food Though.


Well-Known Member
It's okay I like a lil bdsm play...
You could be my new "Ex":

SWEET - lets DO this!

Oh first, I have a few questions:

1. Do you have a lot of friends, relatives, and/or people who would miss you?
2. Have you ever been implanted with a GPS tracking chip?
3. How much do you weigh and how many cm tall are you (Canadian, eh?)

So...I'll PM you! Lets do this shit! Wow - I'm getting all excited...



Well-Known Member
You could be my new "Ex":
View attachment 3214586

SWEET - lets DO this!

Oh first, I have a few questions:

1. Do you have a lot of friends, relatives, and/or people who would miss you?
2. Have you ever been implanted with a GPS tracking chip?
3. How much do you weigh and how many cm tall are you (Canadian, eh?)

So...I'll PM you! Lets do this shit! Wow - I'm getting all excited...
I seem to excite a lot of people lol

Oh and

1. Yes
2. No
3. Hmm like 165cm? Fuck idk that's my best guess lol