anyone wanna make some money?


Well-Known Member
My idea is this,'s kill so many soldiers and mines kill so many civilians,

so I'll just say my idea is a mine detector/detonator

Capable of setting them off a football field away.

With an option to have it on whilst driving for combat situation 's

The setup should be able to fit in a small backpack.
If what I'm thinking works it will be the size if a cell phone.

I need someone who can write programs and do coding etc.

I would like to sell it to the military
Good idea, I can't help though, I don't know shit about software program. I'm struggling in a IT college class right now.

Have you watched bomb patrol? It's about the eod navy teams that clear ied's in Afghanistan.
We built one for the army It was code named the cyclone or hurricane three I dont remeber cause we just called it the system it attaches to a huskie and has three antennas on top set up as a phased array so it can sweep in front of the vehicle and the GI is inside watching a spectrum analyzer when he sees a spike its an IED. in short its already been done.. I was even part of the team that took it to theater. that was 2008 im sure its been much improved on by now..

Now the habibs just drive loaded up exploding cars into convoys its much more effective it detonates almost every time
My roommate has a dr degree in biology and she can't help me. I need a computer nerd friend. Sucks for me cause I used to make fun of those kids in high school, now I need them. Fml lol.
I'm 32, It's wasn't cool to be smart when I was in high school. I feel like Channing Tatum in 21 jump street.
yup glad im in the age of the nerds cause im one...a big one...and its alot better for me now than it was in elementary school i tell ya what
I was thinking of an invention that let you have sex with a girl that is like a football field away.

It will be a backpack but you have to wear it in front, if it works it will be a little larger than a cell phone.

I need investors and testers