The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

This guy?
Thats beautiful! perfect postcard pictures. I wish we could do that in the states without the law coming down on us. I wonder if anyone has ever smoked charas and passed out from the thin air and rolled down the mountain side.
Beautiful Pictures! This one reminds me a lot of places I like to hike in Washington State!
One of my favorite hikes in Washington in the North Cascades, Cascade Pass.

Your picture... eerie similarities... but CAscade pass is only like 6500 at the pass. and its covered with snow most of the year... it just melted out to hike to the pass a couple weeks ago. Its really beautiful and romote.If you come up to the seattle area, Frenchy, let me know and I can take u out there if you like to hike, you will love it!

Im a medical marijuana patient and caregiver. here we cant really grow a lot of plants so I save all my popcorn buds for hash and medibles. unfortunately all my trim and sweet leaf gets thrown in a barrel and burned. our state laws prohibits excess weight and leaf counts as weight. I do it cover my ass because the patients need me. so i will be using my popcorn buds for the hash. everything is dry and ready to go. Do you think I should try to break up these little buds a bit maybe with scissors as long as I don't molest it too much? I have made hash before but I didn't activate it. How is the shelf life on the activated vs the unactivated any difference?Thanks DP.
Don't break your popcorn, the water will take care of that more gently than you would.
Do you mean decarboxylated when you say activated, if that is the case the decarboxylation start during the cure and you can perfect it when pressing with a source of heat. The shell life of pressed resin is years while the unpressed is months
Don't break your popcorn, the water will take care of that more gently than you would.
Do you mean decarboxylated when you say activated, if that is the case the decarboxylation start during the cure and you can perfect it when pressing with a source of heat. The shell life of pressed resin is years while the unpressed is months
Activated meaning with heat.I made some last year I pressed it real good, but I didn't use any heat. It all stayed together like a ball of clay. I was smoking some the other day and it got me real high. I cant tell if its the same or not its been a year since i smoked it last. I guess i was asking pressed unheated vs pressed and heated shelf life.
The stuff i have is dark black on the outside and golden in the middle not heated. im going to smoke some right now Ill try to pay attention to what im smelling and tasting.
First thing i noticed is the consistency has changed over the past year it seems to crumble easier. I closed my eyes and broke some up under my nose. for some reason I got a menthol tone vicks kind of smell with a hint of floral. It was a lot stronger of a smell last year I dont recal it haveing the menthol tone. smoking it has changed also. when I hit it with my hot iron it breaks up I remember when it was fresh it bubbled and melted. now it just kind of burns to ash. this was unheated hash