Well-Known Member
Well.... It looks like those of you world wide, that like to pay taxes agree with the scientists on climate change.... and those that think raising taxes to pay for global change, is a waste, you seem to be climate deniers...
So, where do you fall in line?
You standing behind the scientists that say, we must raise taxes to fix global climate change? You/we must act now, before it's too late?
Are you saying, Fukk it, no new taxes.... I don't care how hot it is, I don't care if humans have cause issue on climate to worsen, no way, no more new taxes.... they will not fix the issue....
You see.... The Climate Change debate has not fooled the world.... there still is hope....
Just like in CA where Jerry Brown gave the populous the chance to save water....
People will not save unless forced to save.... people mainly think about themselves....
Now, CA peeps, are fined $500 for wasting water.....
Now... there really is a water problem....
You must conserve and save.... HOWEVER.... it's too little too late....
The Grid is destine to fail....
Do you understand how the 'Grid' supplies your power?
West coast, Colorado River Hydro Electric plants.....
Lake Mead/Powell running low, when they get too low, no power....
Then the lower lakes [down river] that 'Must' have water to generate your power... they will run out of yes, water, and when that happens no power....
The Grid will go black starting on the west coast.... Anaheim will stay lit, and riots will happen....
The domino effect will effect everyone in the US....
When will this happen? the year is 2026... [I have a crystal ball]
So where will you be and how old? in 2026? Will you even know how to communicate without facebook, and not being able to write?
So what are you going to do, with taxes through the roof, and no water or power?
Your iphone will be useless....your stock in Apple is worthless....
Stop watering your lawns, brown is beautiful... and seriously, if you are under 30.... You will not be able to figure it out, before it's too late....because you think about yourself too much....
Just like climate change.... is it too late to be fixed? NO???? YES????
F it.... just tax me more please, I am sure the political hacks have my best interest in mind.....
The government always does what's the best for all the citizens.... right????
So, where do you fall in line?
You standing behind the scientists that say, we must raise taxes to fix global climate change? You/we must act now, before it's too late?
Are you saying, Fukk it, no new taxes.... I don't care how hot it is, I don't care if humans have cause issue on climate to worsen, no way, no more new taxes.... they will not fix the issue....
You see.... The Climate Change debate has not fooled the world.... there still is hope....
Just like in CA where Jerry Brown gave the populous the chance to save water....
People will not save unless forced to save.... people mainly think about themselves....
Now, CA peeps, are fined $500 for wasting water.....
Now... there really is a water problem....
You must conserve and save.... HOWEVER.... it's too little too late....
The Grid is destine to fail....
Do you understand how the 'Grid' supplies your power?
West coast, Colorado River Hydro Electric plants.....
Lake Mead/Powell running low, when they get too low, no power....
Then the lower lakes [down river] that 'Must' have water to generate your power... they will run out of yes, water, and when that happens no power....
The Grid will go black starting on the west coast.... Anaheim will stay lit, and riots will happen....
The domino effect will effect everyone in the US....
When will this happen? the year is 2026... [I have a crystal ball]
So where will you be and how old? in 2026? Will you even know how to communicate without facebook, and not being able to write?
So what are you going to do, with taxes through the roof, and no water or power?
Your iphone will be useless....your stock in Apple is worthless....
Stop watering your lawns, brown is beautiful... and seriously, if you are under 30.... You will not be able to figure it out, before it's too late....because you think about yourself too much....
Just like climate change.... is it too late to be fixed? NO???? YES????
F it.... just tax me more please, I am sure the political hacks have my best interest in mind.....
The government always does what's the best for all the citizens.... right????