If you catch your plant hermin'


Active Member
RiU, I have a lady that is about 3 weeks into flower. I inspected closely the main cola and there are distinct non sinsemilla plant growth protruding. I forgot about that 4 inch diameter hole I didn't cover in my ceiling. I didn't notice it during dark period it was hard to notice the light, but there was definitely light coming in.

I patched that up and was wondering, will my plant stop hermin' now, and go back to sinsemilla mode? Or has the damage already been done so to speak?

Hi Grandmah. Hi x7vigger. I will do that Grandmah thank you for your time to tell me the proper thing to do. Yes x7vigger I do have one slow flowering sativa on week 2. I checked her and maybe you think since she is not yet into flowering as much as my other she has not developed male parts. A lot of picking I hope they weren't pollinated. How can I tell so? Thanks again
Hi Grandmah. Hi x7vigger. I will do that Grandmah thank you for your time to tell me the proper thing to do. Yes x7vigger I do have one slow flowering sativa on week 2. I checked her and maybe you think since she is not yet into flowering as much as my other she has not developed male parts. A lot of picking I hope they weren't pollinated. How can I tell so? Thanks again

The pistils will turn brown and a seedpod will start to appear...
Hi jkahndb0, do you believe that is what is happening here in the pic?


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Well I will keep you all updated. I hope since the light leak is patched that the plant slowly over 10-15 days stops its hermaphrodite phase and transitions back into sinsemilla mode. Miracles happen right. Of course it could just be all this dang heat stress.
Once it starts herming I doubt it will grow back to sensi. The damage looks done already. You can keep trying to pluck any nanners that show up from here jntil harvest
Your room will be contaminated,so that other plant might get pollen. Pluck away, it could still be some good smoke.
it wont stop hermi'ing you until you harvest. trust me, I had two grows back to back that F'n hermied on me until I fixed the problem. a light leak.,
Well I don't want to get rid of it because all I got is two so let it pollinate the other.. I remember them days I had to pull the seeds out from my baggies anyways. And I'm pretty sure hermie weed has no difference in high than sinsemilla.
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if its hermie, some of the energy will be diverted into making seeds instead of thc so in the end the potency will be lower but I personally would pull of the male parts and if it has been pollinated I'd let it seed... that way I'd have both buds and seeds which in my mind is good because you can use those seeds to grow again although they might also be hermie.

I really hope I'm making sense right now... ;)
where did you read that some of the energy will be diverted into making seeds instead of thc? I've smoked bud with seeds and they were just as potent. Honestly I brought my hermie out and sat down close next to it, and was like, dang I'm plucking these male parts off which seem to be in the thousands and I'm also pulling good chunks of potential bud off along with it, so with that being said..
Well this is what happened. It was so close to harvest for this plant anyway. I was seeing amber while the balls were not mature yet. Strange thing. Drying up will keep you updated on how she smokes error him lol