Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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I know what "good" Christians look like in Islam. ya see there was indeed an evil apartheid theocracy created in 1947. it is called Pakistan. a "homeland" based on religion; the Muslim religion. that's okay.....right? lies and hypocrisy are the very marrow of Islam.

you seem a decent chap, but how would I ever really know. taquiyaa clouds our interactions.
Assertions? More sky daddy garbage to usher in the end times. Give us a break adolf...
considering that i made 4 positive assertions:

1 ) pallies put bombs in retarded kid's backpacks
2 ) a pallie sympathizer machinegunned a preschool in france
3 ) a pallie assassinated a us presidential candidate
4 ) i never claimed that all moslems are militants

and you have utterly failed to dispute those assertions, you now fall back to your standby position, accusing me of being an end-times chrisitan, a racist, a bigot, and i assume, a homophobe (just a guess) and then you start posting irrelevant memes.

these simple assertions should be easy to disprove, if, as you seem to believe, you are "winning" this argument.

unfortunately you are incapable of supporting your own claims, disputing mine, or holding a civil discussion.

eat a bag of dicks.
considering that i made 4 positive assertions:

1 ) pallies put bombs in retarded kid's backpacks
2 ) a pallie sympathizer machinegunned a preschool in france
3 ) a pallie assassinated a us presidential candidate
4 ) i never claimed that all moslems are militants

and you have utterly failed to dispute those assertions, you now fall back to your standby position, accusing me of being an end-times chrisitan, a racist, a bigot, and i assume, a homophobe (just a guess) and then you start posting irrelevant memes.

these simple assertions should be easy to disprove, if, as you seem to believe, you are "winning" this argument.

unfortunately you are incapable of supporting your own claims, disputing mine, or holding a civil discussion.

eat a bag of dicks.

When your assertions are disputed you resort to fallback lines like the "DOD has no evidence of Israeli nuclear weapons" while examples of what you consider well sourced material is "jewishvirtuallibrary" yeah not biased at all. Next you'll be citing the torah or bible.

You probably know this but Daniel Pipes sits on JVL board and is a regular contributor to its content. He is also president of the Middle East Forum a right wing think tank, who run islamistwatch another right wing douchebag website.

Your buddy Anders Breivik cited pipes and the Middle east forum website numerous times in his manifesto.

If JVL's contributors can incite sickos like Breivik, imagine what it's doing to the mindless "Israel First" crowd that you so proudly support?

I'll let you take a guess as you're on his level - buy some seal skins and you'd be a fitting poster boy!
Fuck Israel (gov)

Our entire foreign policy revolves around Israel and it's led to the deaths of thousands of Americans. OBL, the Taliban, AQ, nearly every single goddamn terrorist organization cites American support for Israel as a motive for terrorism.

The world would be tenfold safer if we never allied with Israel, but a few businessmen would be far less rich, so I guess it was an even trade off..
I know what "good" Christians look like in Islam. ya see there was indeed an evil apartheid theocracy created in 1947. it is called Pakistan. a "homeland" based on religion; the Muslim religion. that's okay.....right? lies and hypocrisy are the very marrow of Islam.

you seem a decent chap, but how would I ever really know. taquiyaa clouds our interactions.
I'm still of the opinion that a religious state cannot be democratic nor ensure equality of its citizens. Whether it being israel or pakistan.

The circumstances that created pakistan are different than that of isreal.

Pakistan was born out of the indian territory. Part of the muslims onbtained independance while many still reside within the indian territory.

Israel on the other hand is a group of mostly eastern european colonising the indigenous people of this land.

By way of comparison, the french did not deny the existance of an algerian people and argued that they should be part of libya or mauritania because they are arabs.

Europeans did not deny any people's rights towards independence eventually.

The french came back to France, british to Britain, portuguese to Portugal..
Because you have no country to go back to has been the palestinians' misery.

For these reasons you may want to start looking for ways to live together rather than squeezing them further in their miserable refugee camps. It doesnt seem to work that well.
I'm still of the opinion that a religious state cannot be democratic nor ensure equality of its citizens. Whether it being israel or pakistan.

The circumstances that created pakistan are different than that of isreal.

Pakistan was born out of the indian territory. Part of the muslims onbtained independance while many still reside within the indian territory.

Israel on the other hand is a group of mostly eastern european colonising the indigenous people of this land.

By way of comparison, the french did not deny the existance of an algerian people and argued that they should be part of libya or mauritania because they are arabs.

Europeans did not deny any people's rights towards independence eventually.

The french came back to France, british to Britain, portuguese to Portugal..
Because you have no country to go back to has been the palestinians' misery.

For these reasons you may want to start looking for ways to live together rather than squeezing them further in their miserable refugee camps. It doesnt seem to work that well.

"Israel on the other hand is a group of mostly eastern european colonising the indigenous people of this land."

48% of Israelis are mizrachi. what about us? die Jihadi.

its ours. go away. across the Jordan, (compromising 80% of the Mandate.)
Imo, the Palestinians should ditch Hamas and study Gandhi. Get a non violent leader to show Israels brutality to the world. At this point, it's the only way..
Imo, the Palestinians should ditch Hamas and study Gandhi. Get a non violent leader to show Israels brutality to the world. At this point, it's the only way..
LOL......except for that whole Jihad against unbelievers. gets in the way.
Ganhdi. a misogynist bigot. appropriate. lol

bring out Buck, now........have him sing a song, give us a dance. more mirth with my victuals!