pls hlp determine sex


Why does everyone dispose of the males?? Separate a male from the female(s), let them grow until they begin to flower (not bud, but actual flowers), then harvest them to make butter. I call it "boy butter" and it gives you a really nice, looonng, mellow buzz. Slather on toast and enjoy an hour or three of mellowness.

If you are going to pull it and pitch it -- which is such a waste to old timers like myself -- then you can only reuse the soil if you allow time for any of the remaining roots to dye off, etc. Let the soil bake in the sun for a week, then add new soil and nutrients to it, mix well, bake a little longer, THEN you can use it to supplement. Don't just pull the male and repot a female into the same container. Ever.

Hiramklarke, you might need to eat some of that toast just about harvest time! Given your anxiety over sexing your plants, I can't imagine how high your anxiety will be when it comes time to determine harvest date! LOL Good luck.


Active Member
Wow im so glad my stubborness got the best of me, i kept it and quarintined it downwind in a separate section of my backyard. ...ive been using it to experiment cloning w/ , no sense in chopping up my precious female ONLY to screw a few, if not ALL of them up right? So you say when it flowers eh? Gotcha..sounds like cookies and brownies to me!! Glad i didnt pull em!! Thanks for the great advice!!


Wow im so glad my stubborness got the best of me, i kept it and quarintined it downwind in a separate section of my backyard. ...ive been using it to experiment cloning w/ , no sense in chopping up my precious female ONLY to screw a few, if not ALL of them up right? So you say when it flowers eh? Gotcha..sounds like cookies and brownies to me!! Glad i didnt pull em!! Thanks for the great advice!!
That's what I do -- I put my males outside