About to harvest, your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I have 2 Sweet deep grapefruits & a Blue Widow in what i believe (lost count) is 7, maybe 8 weeks.
I got alot of red hairs, maybe about 50/50, give or take. i last fed with half beasties & half chaching thursday.
they are pretty dried out right now, should i give it water & a couple of days? then chop? what are your thoughts?

Light - 150w Hps + 3x 26w CFLs
1 gallon bags
Coco+Happyfrog+Rice Hull

The Tall single cola is the Blue Widow, the two topped are the sweet deep



Well-Known Member
Take down a little to smoke so you wont be tempted to chop the whole plant. Give the rest another week/ 2 weeks

Looks good though


Well-Known Member
They will swell up a good bit in the next 2 weeks... definitely not ready yet. That said, CFL grows typically (unless you have an absolute shit ton of wattage) don't give you the same thick, rounded buds you get from HPS grows - you'll still see some white hairs and the harvest window IME seems a bit longer. Buds will be a little more scrawny at the top but you've really got to check the trichs to be sure.