Islamic State Warns Christians: Convert, Pay Tax, Leave Or Die


Well-Known Member
totally agree. but Islam is stage IV brain cancer.

Christianity would be stage III lung cancer, and the to their restrictive admittance regs, are only melanoma.
They all believe roughly the same bullshit; sky daddies, stupid rules, sand people a million years ago, etc.

Cut it all out, then there'd be no possibility for religious/sectarian violence.


Well-Known Member
They all believe roughly the same bullshit; sky daddies, stupid rules, sand people a million years ago, etc.

Cut it all out, then there'd be no possibility for religious/sectarian violence.
don't forget the funny hats. integral to recognizing members of your cult........or others.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="UncleBuck, post: 10715110, member: 251367"]i'll take that as a yes.

you did indeed join a white supremacy group.[/QUOTE]

they always post a meme instead of defending their position, don't they?



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="UncleBuck, post: 10715110, member: 251367"]i'll take that as a yes.

you did indeed join a white supremacy group.
they always post a meme instead of defending their position, don't they?


Why would anyone feel a need to defend themselves against Uncle Buck?


Well-Known Member
bucky doesn't drink before 5pm mountain.
Alcoholics have rules like that... LOL!!!

If he needs a 12 pack to celebrate anything then he is an alcoholic.

If he uses alcohol to celebrate then he is an alcoholic.

Basically, he is an alcoholic...

Problem with alcoholics is you cant trust them....

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Bucks problems are much bigger than alcoholism. We will see a side of Buck we haven't seen sense Bush was in office come this November. His super hero jump suit is about worn out. Bucks wife if she is still with him will have to put a leash on him come November 4th so he doesn't get beat up in public.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
They all believe roughly the same bullshit; sky daddies, stupid rules, sand people a million years ago, etc.

Cut it all out, then there'd be no possibility for religious/sectarian violence.
All true. What the US has managed to do is to achieve a truce: "You believe what you want, but you can't make me believe it too. You are welcome to try to convince me that only you know the path to salvation, but you can't club me over the head with a bible/Quaran/Torah/bowl of flying spaghettie monsters."

What is happening in the American left is a proclamation that violates that truce: "Fuck you and your superstitions, you have to fund practices that directly violate your beliefs."

It won't end well. Such a position has led to a great deal of suffering and death throughout the ages. That our lefties think they are going to succeed in bullying a group that outnumbers them and has that "has God on their side" shows just how delusional the left really is. Again, it won't end well.