Questions about flushing and harvest time


Active Member
I have a couple of autos that I really need out of the way. My tent is too full, and I want to make room for the two photos I have so they don't end up developing bud rot simply because they didn't have enough space.

However, neither is quite ready. One of them has all brown / orange pistils now, but the trichomes are mostly clear. I started flushing her nearly two weeks ago. If you were in my shoes, would you just say "f**k it" and harvest now?

The other still has some colas with a few white pistils, but others are mostly brown. Again, trichomes are mostly clear. Again, should I say "f**k it" and start flushing now, to harvest in one weeks' time?

In addition to these questions, I want to know if one week is enough flushing time, putting about 8 litres through each pot (15 litre pots) every two days when I feed the other plants.

So to summarize:

1) In your opinion, should I harvest the autos a little early to concentrate space on the photos?
2) Is one week enough flushing time?



Active Member
Yep, I'm aware of this train of thought. I'm flushing for a week as a precaution more than anything else, since noone has chimed in with any other thoughts, I'll work on the assumption that one week will be plenty.

My blueberry photperiod is just coming to the end of week seven, but the pistils are only just beginning to show signs of turning orange - I presume this means she will need more than eight weeks, and I should keep her going on feed for now?


Active Member
Chopping early only if U MUST IF NOT then I would a sin.
Yeah, I's a sad thing to have to do, but I have to prioritise the photoperiods over the autos, as the autos just won't give the same yield. Plus the photos are some kickass genetics by the looks of things!

One is already down, the other coming down today. In three weeks she has matured none, and I need the room. Here goes...


Well-Known Member
I harvested my autos early, and the quality was not as good as it probably could have been. Just saying..


Active Member
The other came down today and as it turned out it was plenty mature enough, mostly cloudy trichs all over. Crystally as can be, I'm quite pleased so far.

Next question:

How can I keep the smell down when harvesting / drying? Because I have 3 strains with different flowering times, it's not as simple as drying in the tent. I currently have my just-cut buds hanging in a cardboard box. The box has a hole in one end at the bottom, and the intake duct to my tent is pushed into that hole. There are small holes at the top of the box (handles) and air is flowing in through that.

I'm conscious this may be too much ventilation, but it keeps the smell in the carbon filter "system". Or would they be better drying in a closed cardboard box with no ventilation?