Well folks...I've debated all day whether to post this here or not. As you all know I (my family firm) am a LP applicant. I've participated on here, in many a debate.
For the longest while I thought I understood patients as much as a patient can be understood.
Today, however, I got news that my Father, my mentor, my dearest friend, the president of the company, has been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. This is a piece of shit cancer of the esophagus/stomach connection caused by chronic reflux.
Let me say this now. I did not understand patients.
Unless you get your teeth kicked in with a disease and all its implications (debilitation, financial burdens etc.) then any LP telling you they understand patients is LYING to your face.
They may have sympathy towards you, they may have excellent intentions, they may have a glimpse into your world, but unless you are there experiencing it first hand they know little of what it its to need medicine and not have the legal or financial ability to obtain it.
My business priorities have taken a drastic reality check and the intimacy of this situation have opened my eyes to what compassionate pricing really means, to what the right to grow really means. I have always voiced my opinion, perhaps to my HC file detriment, that one should have the right to grow their medicine or obtain it at reasonable costs from 3rd parties, but that was an opinion formed by logical reasoning. Now I have the unfortunate privilege of reaffirming this opinion with tactile emotional reality.
I don't really know how to end this post without rambling on and on, I guess I just needed to get this off my chest. My pops is a tough son of gun, he'll beat the odds as he's done most of his life, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I'm really fucking afraid.