I am woman

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Well-Known Member
not sure why you would assume that ^^
i was just thinking it would be a better use of your time

so lets get back to the story ...
you insinuate that another member has a special relationship with his daughter (pedo style) you're quite happy to elaborate on this

when you're confronted about your own status as the victim of a pedofile (daddy) and the enabler (mommy)
you retreat to the bathroom to take a shit .. kind of convenient

did you have a little cry as well as a shit ?
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Well-Known Member
not sure why you would assume that ^^
i was just thinking it would be a better use of your time

so lets get back to the story ...
you insinuate that another member has a special relationship with his daughter (pedo style) you're quite happy to elaborate on this

when you're confronted about you own status as the victim of a pedofile (daddy) and the enabler (mommy)
you retreat to the bathroom to take a shit .. kind of convenient

did you have a little cry as well as a shit ?

Punctuation. Learn it.


Well-Known Member
Punctuation. Learn it.
avoidance coping ^^

ill take that as a yes .. cry me a river your self esteem must be in tatters
does explain why you are filled with so much hatred though

perhaps UB can help your with your inner-child or something
or maybe just take a shit and a cry every 20 minutes

sorry i can't be of more help


Well-Known Member
avoidance coping ^^

ill take that as a yes .. cry me a river your self esteem must be in tatters
does explain why you are filled with so much hatred though

perhaps UB can help your with your inner-child or something
or maybe just take a shit and a cry every 20 minutes

sorry i can't be of more help

Of all the threads on the forum you could be following, and you glue yourself to me. That's very sweet of you.


Well-Known Member
Of all the threads on the forum you could be following, and you glue yourself to me. That's very sweet of you.
i am happy to help you work through your selective comprehension and mental troubles since you're a victim
others will help too, let your guard down a little


Well-Known Member
very possible for humans to act normal at work. Most men don't go crazy and get hard-ons just because they saw some cleavage, but for the perverts who do, corporate America has dress codes so that sort of problem can't happen in the work place.
You should really get laid DD, might help with the desperation
Oh how we love casual Fridays. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant "extrapolate"...

It's simple, I am a human animal and so are you. The difference is, I am not neurotic and deeply ashamed of sex.
Yes, obviously (mac likes to auto correct in the weirdest ways) But DD, I part ways that I am an animal and Neurotic about sex? laughable. If you only knew me you'd realize how off the mark you really are. Ever hear of the word "class?" Oh, probably not, I forgot you're a self described animal, who can't or won't respond to my earlier question asking why, as an animal you don't engage in your most primitive animal urges including ALL bodily functions whenever the mood strikes, as an animal would….

I think it's laughable you label me as a "prog" just because I believe there's time and place for most things. You sound like a pretty conservative person on other threads therefore your argument makes no sense...

It goes like this ...

3 women, one of them being me, sitting in a room waiting after being interviewed for a job. All 3 of us are equally qualified. All 3 of our resumes' are as equally impressive. We are all certified in a variety of areas in which the job requires. We all have outstanding references and solid job history.

Cut to the back office where the hiring team is meeting ...

"So we have 3 very well qualified candidates. Cindy was very polite and seemed comfortable. Yet she had all those piercings and those funky smelling dreadlocks. Rhonda was open and honest about herself and would fit in well with her background. It's just a shame she doesn't know how to dress properly and her hair was a mess as well. Sheskunk would fit in just as well as the other two. Her resume' is rather impressive and her job history speaks for itself. She was well dressed and even showed a little cleavage."

Guess who gets the job, without even having to give anyone a blowjob?
Honey, the difference wasn't your tits, the other two candidates had poor hygiene and (Rhonda) an unkempt appearance. You would've been hired (in that scenario) cleavage or none.

I should be able to show all the cleavage I want to show and still be excepted as an intelligent woman. Why is that such a problem for some people. Yes, I'm sexy, but I have brains as well.

STOP staring at my tits!!!!!

I can't believe that post is for real. Do you honestly believe that? Knowing the climate of the workplace and American culture in general, you know you're going to be judged tits first. It's not right, but it's the way it is.

Same reason I shouldn't go for my run in the dark alone. Should I be able to? YES, is it smart? NO. It's not fair or right, but that's the way it is. I just think women shouldn't take a step back and "use whatever they've got" to ge ahead. That's such a short sighted mindset. I'm def. no feminist, but you're short changing the brains you claim to have if you put your confidence in your boobs before your brains.

Sheskunk, I'm asking in all seriousness here.

You bore me.


Well-Known Member
Yes, obviously (mac likes to auto correct in the weirdest ways) But DD, I part ways that I am an animal and Neurotic about sex? laughable. If you only knew me you'd realize how off the mark you really are. Ever hear of the word "class?" Oh, probably not, I forgot you're a self described animal, who can't or won't respond to my earlier question asking why, as an animal you don't engage in your most primitive animal urges including ALL bodily functions whenever the mood strikes, as an animal would….

I think it's laughable you label me as a "prog" just because I believe there's time and place for most things. You sound like a pretty conservative person on other threads therefore your argument makes no sense...

Honey, the difference wasn't your tits, the other two candidates had poor hygiene and (Rhonda) an unkempt appearance. You would've been hired (in that scenario) cleavage or none.

I can't believe that post is for real. Do you honestly believe that? Knowing the climate of the workplace and American culture in general, you know you're going to be judged tits first. It's not right, but it's the way it is.

Same reason I shouldn't go for my run in the dark alone. Should I be able to? YES, is it smart? NO. It's not fair or right, but that's the way it is. I just think women shouldn't take a step back and "use whatever they've got" to ge ahead. That's such a short sighted mindset. I'm def. no feminist, but you're short changing the brains you claim to have if you put your confidence in your boobs before your brains.

Sheskunk, I'm asking in all seriousness here.
I am not lacking in confidence in my brain. My mind comes first. That's how i thought of all this in the first place.


Well-Known Member
I am not lacking in confidence in my brain. My mind comes first. That's how i thought of all this in the first place.
So why even bring tits into the equation? If you have total confidence in your brain? I get that you disagree w/ the feminist dogma and agenda, yes, we as women don't need to demand any special rights just equal rights, but why go to the total opposite end of the spectrum and dumb it down with using tits to get ahead? Serious question.


Well-Known Member
So why even bring tits into the equation? If you have total confidence in your brain? I get that you disagree w/ the feminist dogma and agenda, yes, we as women don't need to demand any special rights just equal rights, but why go to the total opposite end of the spectrum and dumb it down with using tits to get ahead? Serious question.

I was fucking around to see who would believe me. Ended up turning a lot of people upside-down. ;)

I've always found it amazing that you can say whatever you want on the internet and people automatically believe you. The weirdest part is the more demeaning you are about yourself the more people will jump all over it. A lot of people are really eager to ridicule others. I think it might be why a lot of them are on the internet in the first place. They lack the social skills to actually participate in the real world.


Well-Known Member
(headsmack) I figured as much LOL

You saw through it as soon as you walked in the door. :)

I make it blatantly obvious (going to sell my kids into slavery). Sometimes I even admit to it. Yet people just carry on. People will read this and still insist it's all true. Sit back and watch. Have a laugh with me. 8)
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