How many Sockpuppets do you have?

Unimaginable from a person with multiple personalities who has been prescribed a schedule four narcodic
Unimaginable from a person with multiple personalities who has been prescribed a schedule four narcodic

[nahr-kot-ik] blunt the senses, as opium, morphine, belladonna, and alcohol,that in large quantities produce euphoria, stupor, or coma, that when used constantly can causehabituation or addiction, and that are used in medicine to relieve pain, cause sedation, and induces sleep.
i'd love to know some honest answers to this question, i'm sure i can name a few people who do indeed have sock puppets as i do go over to the politics section from time to time, and i cuold probably count 10 there easy, and then you just have the other people..
i honestly only have one, well, and my locked out racerboy account when the site was brought back up, but i don't think that's a very good sock puppet account..
sock life can be very hard for the individuals involved .. fatality can result
on some board where the girl killed herself they found that many of the nasty messages threats etc that she received before she killed herself
were actually sent from her own computer using a sock puppet account she had created to abuse herself with
she did this in order to attract attention and sympathy