Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

I'm alright we got few of the same strains going have you foliar fed at all?

No foliar feeding. I feed weekly with Maxsea and cal/mag with a molasses chaser. Spray once a week with BT and shoot grasshoppers. :-)
What strains do we share? I'd like to see yours....that sounds
Speaking of BT. I wonder how long it is actually good for. I have the Monterey brand but it is from 2012 lol. Probably ineffective by now since it has gone through 3 fresno summers
pretty cool bird ;)

Fresno, can you post the mix ratio for the BT? I have the bottle but the directions are gone. And it is probably from 2012 as well.
I would suggest against using it. I barely remembered that I sprayed a mint plant with caterpillars on it and the BT made the leaves warped and deformed looking. I will post the mix ratio when I get home in a few minutes.
Speaking of BT. I wonder how long it is actually good for. I have the Monterey brand but it is from 2012 lol. Probably ineffective by now since it has gone through 3 fresno summers

Well, I don't know but I have read expiration dates don't mean they're not good but may be losing its strength.
Go to Monterey's web site, the answer may be there.
Spray BT at night and use 2 to 3 TBS per gallon. I also add some soap (coco wet).
If you don't see dead caterpillars the next day hanging off of your plants you might want to try a stronger dose. Spray the ground and the plants around your grow.

Apply a week later and then spray monthly. Don't slack off on this - they will come back!

It never hurt my plants. I have sprayed buds days before harvest. Patients tried this knowing it was there and said it tasted amazing (Scott's OG and Jesus OG).

I read that BT is a by-product of the BT bacteria. It should still be good.
