Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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i did not edit your comment, you never made any assertion about israel's non-participation in the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and voting the way the US wants in the UN is not part of any treaty, agreement or aid package.

America will always support Israel. For a couple reasons know to the public, and probably a few unbeknownst to most considering its politics.

A) We are sworn allies forever. Ending that would have multiple worldwide implications

B) America is founded on the belief of god and the holy bible. (Also a big portion of voting Americans are religious)

C) If Israel was ever to fall, they would destroy their country before seeing it go to people that were not jewish. Also causing worldwide implications with radiation levels already teatering on a global scale.

(And its not like anyone is going to try and shut down Israels nuclear program)

Edit: i know Israel is not a member of the NPT, but I think its pretty evident they have established nukes as an attack deturrant. If i was in the kiddle east and had their weapons capability i know i would.

D) To many it is prophecy that when Israel falls, it is end times.. which looking at it from a political view these days, is not that far off.

Same could also be said for about 8 different countries that we are not allied with though

Here you go bro.... you may proceed with your douchebaggery on this thread, just exclude me from it hence forth, thanks.

Looking at your previous posts on this thread you might be a little to vested in this subject... usually making a counter point is all thats needed in a discussion, no degrading the opposition because their views dont match up with yours.

Maybe this is a special thread, but you sure do sound like a beezy
"and voting the way the US wants in the UN is not part of any treaty, agreement or aid package."

Nowhere did i say this^

You are obviously trying too hard to play the part of the opposition. Go home troll boy... or get some better shwag to calm yourself
I say hell yea we support isarael

If you shoot at me im shooting back
I'll. Shoot your ass dead
i really cantdont understand why some folks
Dont think israel should protect its people
What is makin your ticker tick
i dont understand
hamas should not put its rockets in houses schools
they want people to condem it
Thats what they want
im gonna take the high road
and say im on the god loving american side
Israel should step it up for every rocket hamas shoots
israel should shoot ten
Please actually read the words:

i did not edit your comment, you never made any assertion about israel's non-participation in the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and voting the way the US wants in the UN is not part of any treaty, agreement or aid package.

Doers said:
United States Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.Pakistan votes 75% against the United States and receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.India votes 81% against the United States and receives $143,699,000 annually in Foreign Aid.
That is just the top 4. We send aid to almost all counties including Russia and China.



You should look at the correlation between members of the NPT and foreign aid. As well as countless other political nick nacks that money is buying.
i thought these "children" were playing soccer on the beach, now they were fleeing from the IDF, which was it? or will you gin up a third scenario in which they were fleeing from the IDF using brazillian style ball handling techniques, cuz you know... training for world cup 2016...

The reporter in the following article witnessed the strike first hand. I incorrectly stated the first hit was on an housing/apartment complex.

wild speculation based on the munchhausian claims of two douchebags (one hollywood "producer" and one swinging disco stud) and a shitload of NON-Evidence.

The DOD must be wildly speculating too...

you have made ZERO substantive arguments, and instead have simply repeated the pallie talking points, made wild accusations of israeli "war crimes", and trotted out ad hominems as if they prove anything.

Your posts have been full of bullshit, devoid of fact and full of ad homs. But what is to be expected of terrorist sympathiser*?

perhaps you can craft some bald faced lie which will "correct" what you imagine to be an error in this post too.

If you side with the JDF as you claim below you sir are the one that is cracked.

youre cracked.the occupied territories are a flaming bag of dogshit on israel's porch. *and unless the JDF stomps out the fire and hoses the shit off the steps, they will never have peace.

From Wiki -

The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a Jewish far-right religious-political militant organization whose stated goal is to "protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary

In todays language a “far-right religious-political militant organization” general refers to those who use violence or the threat thereof, to achieve a political goal. Your posts are filled with the kind of "radical jewish nationalism" found within the JDLs ranks.
wild claims from one who thinks unsupported accusations are evidence of wrongdoing

i thought these "children" were playing soccer on the beach, now they were fleeing from the IDF, which was it? or will you gin up a third scenario in which they were fleeing from the IDF using brazillian style ball handling techniques, cuz you know... training for world cup 2016...

wild speculation based on the munchhausian claims of two douchebags (one hollywood "producer" and one swinging disco stud) and a shitload of NON-Evidence.

sounds like youre describing yourself.

you have made ZERO substantive arguments, and instead have simply repeated the pallie talking points, made wild accusations of israeli "war crimes", and trotted out ad hominems as if they prove anything.

your inability to comprehend clear and unambiguous statements, your fervent belief that what you INFER from others' statements somehow negates those statements, and your repeated use of mischracterizations and outright lies in response to simple statements marks you as a fool.

perhaps you can craft some bald faced lie which will "correct" what you imagine to be an error in this post too.

"""""""your inability to comprehend clear and unambiguous statements, your fervent belief that what you INFER from others' statements somehow negates those statements, and your repeated use of mischracterizations and outright lies in response to simple statements marks you as a fool.""""""

Had to pull this excerpt out... and I wasnt even arguing against your point you hypocrite!!! LMFAO! You probably wont be able to comprehend enough text to understand why this is funny to me
I love it. Israel kills a bunch of civillians, ah well, hamas to blame. US police officer shoots one dog during a cannabis raid and all hell breaks loose.

When was the last time the US blew up houses because there might be bad guys inside? Last i checked the US had even a vague form of humanity and raids were organised to be as safe and risk free as possible. Would you be happy for US forces to operate in the same way that Israeli forces do? Blow shit up then investigate later?
I love it. Israel kills a bunch of civillians, ah well, hamas to blame. US police officer shoots one dog during a cannabis raid and all hell breaks loose.

When was the last time the US blew up houses because there might be bad guys inside? Last i checked the US had even a vague form of humanity and raids were organised to be as safe and risk free as possible. Would you be happy for US forces to operate in the same way that Israeli forces do? Blow shit up then investigate later?

deflection deflected.
we're not all from Russia.
Israel is our homeland. we will kill every Arab on earth to keep Jerusalem. a lot of y'all too.
where do we go from that premise?
Where the fuck is our military aid? We let you refuel your CIA extraordinary rendition flights here, I'm sure hardware goes the other direction too...

Militarise the fuck out of us too, we can be your Eastern Atlantic defence.

Our Govt are decent with the economics, their diplomatic skills are fucking shite tho.