Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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When the dollar fails all support will be lost, the only thing that would remain is war, and lots of it.
The dollar will endure for anoth 50-100 years id say. You gotta remember its easy pickings for the rich right now.... lotta poor people to fight when were all hungry.

They will do what they always have

Smoke and mirrors. Feed people the idea that money is real so they will keep working their dismal jobs to keep the machine running.

Luckily though in America, if your not a dummy, you can still make enough of that fake money to live a very comfortable life.

Only a couple other countries that is the case
when i was a lad we used to stomp the shit out of boneheads just for fun, but now in the internet age, they dont strut around in their red suspenders and oversized boots so much, they hide behind their keyboards and make vague accusations and speak in dogwhistles.

dogwhistles, eh?

like "european cultural superiority", and "anti racist is code for anti white" (<---not really a dogwhistle anymore), and "defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit" (where multiculturalism is dogwhistle within a dogwhistle for heavily black populations)?
Did the Europeans not have a right to launch guerrilla attacks on the Nazi occupation regimes

Israel claims it does not target civilians, that hamas uses women and children as human shields
how about the four children killed today playing soccer on the beach. Could this be another Israel war crime?
and under the rules of war, any person fighting in a war zone without a recognized military insignia is an UNLAWFUL COMBATANT and can be treated as a spy or saboteur and summarily executed.

those risks were taken by many actual freedom fighters, who did NOT put bombs in retarded kids' backpacks or machinegun preschools.

in a war zone collateral damge is unavoidable, but israel has dinged up far fewer "innocent" pallies than the US did in afghanistan or iraq.

israel is using kid gloves on the pallies and tiptoeing around because of feigned international outrage from dolts like you.

when the israelis finally decide assholes like you and the "international community" can pound sand, the pallies will be hosed.

tell us more about this "genocide" that has resulted in 1100% population growth in the occupied territories?
It is really the fact, you guys are anti-Zionists, just like Hamas. Justify yourselves.

We don't support christian nations, we support the 3rd world which is largely islamic and against the USA by vote count in the UN.

  1. Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time
  2. Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time
  3. Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time
  4. United Arab Emirates votes against the United States 70% of the time.
  5. Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
  6. Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
  7. Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
  8. Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
  9. Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
  10. Oman votes against the United States 74%of the time.
  11. Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
  12. Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
  13. Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
  14. Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
  15. Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
  16. India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
  17. Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
  18. Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.
United States Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

  1. Egypt, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  2. Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  3. Pakistan votes 75% against the United States and receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
  4. India votes 81% against the United States and receives $143,699,000 annually in Foreign Aid.

That is just the top 4. We send aid to almost all counties including Russia and China.
You should look at the correlation between members of the NPT and foreign aid. As well as countless other political nick nacks that money is buying.
You should look at the correlation between members of the NPT and foreign aid. As well as countless other political nick nacks that money is buying.
by NPT you mean Non Proliferation Treaty i assume.

Protip: israel is not a party to that agreement and thus not bound by it.

Bonus Protip: Iran, Pakistan, India and North Korea all signed on, got their free goodies and then began developing nukes anyhow.

Super Bonus Protip: israel has no nuclear program, and the US does NOT furnish israel with nuclear weapons (we abide by the treaty no matter how pointless it is)
by NPT you mean Non Proliferation Treaty i assume.

Protip: israel is not a party to that agreement and thus not bound by it.

Bonus Protip: Iran, Pakistan, India and North Korea all signed on, got their free goodies and then began developing nukes anyhow.

Super Bonus Protip: israel has no nuclear program, and the US does NOT furnish israel with nuclear weapons (we abide by the treaty no matter how pointless it is)
Yeah i was juat talking about the correlation between a lot of those countries listed that vote against us, and are still recieving tons of money in aid.

I stated in the post above the one you quoted in an edit that israel is not a part of the NPT.

Israels theoretical nuke program is mainly a deturrent for invasion from my understanding
Did the Europeans not have a right to launch guerrilla attacks on the Nazi occupation regimes

Israel claims it does not target civilians, that hamas uses women and children as human shields
how about the four children killed today playing soccer on the beach. Could this be another Israel war crime?
According to Israelis those children were "high level hamas operatives". Bombing the kids house/apartment complex wasn't enough - once they fled the first strike - they were targeted by the IDF on an open beach. Lets see 220 Palestinians killed in the latest offensive is most certainly collective punishment for the death of the 3 Israeli teens.
by NPT you mean Non Proliferation Treaty i assume.

Protip: israel is not a party to that agreement and thus not bound by it.

Bonus Protip: Iran, Pakistan, India and North Korea all signed on, got their free goodies and then began developing nukes anyhow.

Super Bonus Protip: israel has no nuclear program, and the US does NOT furnish israel with nuclear weapons (we abide by the treaty no matter how pointless it is)
double false you dimwit.
israel's militatry occupation is WELL within the bounds of the pertinent portions of the geneva convention.

why hasnt anyone been dragged before the hague yet? cuz the accusations of "war crimes" are coming from WAR CRIMINALS who are in fact only making thae claims because they are getting their asses kicked and they want outside help.

ohh so now when you falsely claim i stated "the geneva convention was a un resolution" you were REALLY just correcting my mistakes...

i see.

you were only lying because you thought i said something i didnt and you felt a lie would correct my imaginary error.

good work dipshit, you sound smarter every day.

thats not an ad hominem, it is an observation based on clearly evidenced facts.

you are profoundly retarded (see above), dim witted (see your collected works) mentally handicapped (inabiltity to read and comprehend simple statements) and micro-cephallic (big words you not understand)
an ad hominem is the use of attacks against the person to fallaciously attempt to refute an argument.
i have been refuting your arguments left and right quite handily, while my observations on your obvious mental handicaps are simply colour commentary.

rational people cannot be held responsible for what morons infer from clear and unambiguous statements.

there was no such implication, all that shit happened inside you own tiny, tiny pointed head.

spies and sabotuers who attack civilian targets schools hosp[itals and neighborhoods without uniforms, by putting bombs in the backpacks of retarded kids are the perpetrators of Crimes Against Humantiy, the israelis dont do that shit, only your buddies the "palestinians" and their supporters, who coincidentally are also sandland frootloops, do that shit.

yeah i can see where you might feel accurate statements are unfair to you and your agenda since your entirte argument is just a tissue of lies.
sadly for you, i dont give a squirt of piss about your feelings, or how unfair you think it is for me to make factual statements when you cant provide any for your own position.

all arguments are not created equal, some are made of bullshit and lies (like yours) and others are firmly grounded in fact (like mine)

that you have chosen to stand on a mound of crap to shout your nonsense, does not require me to similarly handicap myself.

and if wishes was horses we would all be eating steak.

your above statement makes NO FUCKING SENSE

the jews DID get overrrun by the hadjis, and WERE forced out of their homeland for centuries while the towel heads turned their "land of milk and honey" into a dung heap.

the jews are back in israel now (even if it is only a small portion of it) and they are not gonna be driven out by fools like you or your buddies in hamas and hezzbollah.

you just arent strong enough to do the job.

the jews have been toughened by centuries of pogrom persecution and diaspora, the towelheads have no chance, not even if they get fools like you to repeat their lies for them.
Lies, obfuscation and obvious need to justify quantity over quality. Sounds like you're one of the retarded kids who lost their backpack.
when you conduct guerrilla warfare from population centers, you kill your own people. its no secret.
welcome to earth; how was the weather on Mars?
when you conduct guerrilla warfare from population centers, you kill your own people. its no secret.

No joke...
According to Israelis those children were "high level hamas operatives". Bombing the kids house/apartment complex wasn't enough - once they fled the first strike - they were targeted by the IDF on an open beach. Lets see 220 Palestinians killed in the latest offensive is most certainly collective punishment for the death of the 3 Israeli teens.

You have no idea.

What is the meaning of the 7000 rockets Hamas keeps firing at populations?
What of the human shields forced to die at the launch sites?

Why do you ignore all that? Just a non-thinker?

And there were 7000 rockets last fall. No one is exchanging death rates News, here, Walter Cronkite.

It is an extermination attempt on Israel.

You are an agent of Hamas, in spirit. Co-opted like all the World Zombie Youth.
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According to Israelis those children were "high level hamas operatives". Bombing the kids house/apartment complex wasn't enough - once they fled the first strike - they were targeted by the IDF on an open beach. Lets see 220 Palestinians killed in the latest offensive is most certainly collective punishment for the death of the 3 Israeli teens.
wild claims from one who thinks unsupported accusations are evidence of wrongdoing

i thought these "children" were playing soccer on the beach, now they were fleeing from the IDF, which was it? or will you gin up a third scenario in which they were fleeing from the IDF using brazillian style ball handling techniques, cuz you know... training for world cup 2016...

wild speculation based on the munchhausian claims of two douchebags (one hollywood "producer" and one swinging disco stud) and a shitload of NON-Evidence.

Lies, obfuscation and obvious need to justify quantity over quality. Sounds like you're one of the retarded kids who lost their backpack.

sounds like youre describing yourself.

you have made ZERO substantive arguments, and instead have simply repeated the pallie talking points, made wild accusations of israeli "war crimes", and trotted out ad hominems as if they prove anything.

your inability to comprehend clear and unambiguous statements, your fervent belief that what you INFER from others' statements somehow negates those statements, and your repeated use of mischracterizations and outright lies in response to simple statements marks you as a fool.

perhaps you can craft some bald faced lie which will "correct" what you imagine to be an error in this post too.
Yeah i was juat talking about the correlation between a lot of those countries listed that vote against us, and are still recieving tons of money in aid.

I stated in the post above the one you quoted in an edit that israel is not a part of the NPT.

Israels theoretical nuke program is mainly a deturrent for invasion from my understanding
i did not edit your comment, you never made any assertion about israel's non-participation in the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and voting the way the US wants in the UN is not part of any treaty, agreement or aid package.
You have no idea.

What is the meaning of the 7000 rockets Hamas keeps firing at populations?
What of the human shields forced to die at the launch sites?

Why do you ignore all that? Just a non-thinker?

And there were 7000 rockets last fall. No one is exchanging death rates News, here, Walter Cronkite.

It is an extermination attempt on Israel.

You are an agent of Hamas, in spirit. Co-opted like all the World Zombie Youth.

I think you have no idea. I don't condone any attacks (rocket or otherwise) carried out by Hamas and/or any of its ideologically aligned splinter groups. But i differentiate between civilian and combatant.

Last count was 2500 rockets in 2012 well short of the 7000 you claim for a 3 month period. Big difference between precision guided munition and a qassam rocket. Population density of Gaza is around 146 square miles and is home to 1.6 million people (Philadelphia is 142sqm w/1.5m ppl). Just like the 3 Israeli teens those Palestinian children were murdered.

When the US kills kids with drones we don't blame the American people, so why in this case is it appropriate to blame and sanction collective punishment against the Palestinian people?

This is far from an extermination attempt of Israelis at the hands of the Palestinians. The humanitarian crisis created by Israel is by far the most concerning aspect, although not unexpected, of this conflict.