I am woman

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You sure seem to love degrading women. I hope you don't treat your daughters that way.
You do a great job of degrading yourself
Cleavage in the work place is a good one. You can't mix sex and work so you don't have to sleep with anyone. But by showing a little cleavage you open the door to the idea that there may be something outside of work that could be achievable. Men will jump all over that possibility. Even knowing they have no shot with me they will still dive in head first. I hold a very high position at my job. I am smart so I can perform the tasks that are required of me. I got the opportunity to hold such a position by playing the "bimbo" role. It worked out really well for me.
I hope that one day you will feel that a lady does not HAVE to show her tits and cleavage to get ahead in corporate America.
Sheskunk, you are my kind of woman!

i bet.

If I thought someone was a nigger lover I'd just call them a nigger lover.
Not all blacks are niggers.
I come here just to call you a "nigger lover".
"Nigger" is based on ignorance.
Maybe you could call some of your nigger friends and have them deal with it.
I laugh at niggers all day.
Because that's what nigger lovers do.
Shouldn't you be out saving niglets somewhere.
You do a great job of degrading yourself
I hope that one day you will feel that a lady does not HAVE to show her tits and cleavage to get ahead in corporate America.
What? No no no, everyone knows that showing T&A can get you much further than actual ability. If you are pretty. If you're a fugly woman, you will probably never make it out of the mail room.
You do a great job of degrading yourself
I hope that one day you will feel that a lady does not HAVE to show her tits and cleavage to get ahead in corporate America.

Doesn't change the fact that you view women as strippers and prostitutes and circus freaks simply because they show a little cleavage.

I didn't HAVE to show anything. And I NEVER showed my "tits". You had to make that up to try to help enforce your argument. It was rather weak and you know it. So you start exaggerating facts and making stuff up. Then try to use it against me. You failed, jr.

My resume' speaks for itself. It never hurts to get a little edge in though. Especially when the job market is as weak as it is. I gained my employment several years ago. I have advanced since my initial hiring and can wear a turtleneck if I so desire. You keep ignoring the fact that I am an intelligent woman with a successful career. Being the sexist that you are, you can't seem to stop staring at my breasts.
It never hurts to get a little edge in though.

you do edging with your trucker clients?

i don't think they need it, but i guess it can't hurt. they might tip you a little extra after telling you to get out of their truck and wash the cum out of your mouth.
you do edging with your trucker clients?

i don't think they need it, but i guess it can't hurt. they might tip you a little extra after telling you to get out of their truck and wash the cum out of your mouth.

There you go with your penis obsession again. Tell us more about your fantasies.
Doesn't change the fact that you view women as strippers and prostitutes and circus freaks simply because they show a little cleavage.

I didn't HAVE to show anything. And I NEVER showed my "tits". You had to make that up to try to help enforce your argument. It was rather weak and you know it. So you start exaggerating facts and making stuff up. Then try to use it against me. You failed, jr.

My resume' speaks for itself. It never hurts to get a little edge in though. Especially when the job market is as weak as it is. I gained my employment several years ago. I have advanced since my initial hiring and can wear a turtleneck if I so desire. You keep ignoring the fact that I am an intelligent woman with a successful career. Being the sexist that you are, you can't seem to stop staring at my breasts.
time and place for everything. A work environment is not the place to walk around flaunting parts of your tits. again I wonder what type of job would promote a female just because she walks around showing parts of her body. You set professional career minded females back decades. "Hey guys I need a raise, so look at my tits" so said Sheskunk.
so much for her argument that she is not harming anyone.
I can't believe she started a thread title I AM WOMAN. Then proceed to degrade herself by admitting to showing and using her body to gain promotion. Makes you wonder what else strange Shesuck would do for change.
time and place for everything. A work environment is not the place to walk around flaunting parts of your tits. again I wonder what type of job would promote a female just because she walks around showing parts of her body. You set professional career minded females back decades. "Hey guys I need a raise, so look at my tits" so said Sheskunk.

Yet not one mention of the men who fall for it.
I can't believe she started a thread title I AM WOMAN. Then proceed to degrade herself by admitting to showing and using her body to gain promotion. Makes you wonder what else strange Shesuck would do for change.

I'd sell your daughters into slavery. ;)
I can't believe she started a thread title I AM WOMAN. Then proceed to degrade herself by admitting to showing and using her body to gain promotion. Makes you wonder what else strange Shesuck would do for change.

maybe she's spamming the niglet stuff for $0.07 a post.
Oh no I think they are fools and suckers. Not helping you or the company one bit. People like Desert Dude who would just follow you around all day with a massive hard on..creepy.

Yet you can't pull yourself away from this thread.

Sorry dude, I'm not showing you my boobs.
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