OK Girls (and guys) what can you tell me about this situation.

thanks jimmy, non judgemental and thinking of the possibilities.. it's not even for sure, but it's a possibility. I'll bide my time for now and we'll see what happens in my current relationship
I don't think anybody was being judgmental just putting out opinions and possibilities. But yeah man take it for what is not what it could or should be.
Great thread. Tough spot. You're a cool cat and I bet she IS interested in grinding your meatwhistle, but no more. Sunni is right about the coworker nightmare. It could be set up for a sex harrassment lawsuit in which you are the unwitting monkey.

I usually try this:

"Shit!!!!! A poisonous snake just bit my dick!!!" See if she offers to suck the poison out.
Coworker thing is tricky, a couple of us have been there...

This is just me, but if I was with a girl currently then I wouldn't even look at other girls. When I had a gf, she was my everything and that was all. If I had started to look at other girls then I would have reevaluated my current situation... But I've been single for years now and I really miss that companionship... Ho hum glad I made myself a drink right now (super long heavy sigh into my drink...)

I guess what I'm saying is, don't break your girls heart. Be a man for others first. If what you've got with your gf is over then finish it, don't lollygag around with someone's heart....

That is my honest opinion. Do what you feel you must, but do it for the right reasons.

Good luck bro
Coworker thing is tricky, a couple of us have been there...

This is just me, but if I was with a girl currently then I wouldn't even look at other girls. When I had a gf, she was my everything and that was all. If I had started to look at other girls then I would have reevaluated my current situation... But I've been single for years now and I really miss that companionship... Ho hum glad I made myself a drink right now (super long heavy sigh into my drink...)

I guess what I'm saying is, don't break your girls heart. Be a man for others first. If what you've got with your gf is over then finish it, don't lollygag around with someone's heart....

That is my honest opinion. Do what you feel you must, but do it for the right reasons.

Good luck bro
what about me you slut jeez
I really don't know where I stand with a girl. Bit of background: I started volunteering somewhere a few months ago and I was in a training group of me and about 12 other, mostly hot women. There have been emails exchanged with a few of these girls who are decent looking, definitely worth a bit of fun sometime, but idk if I would cheat on my gf with them. I mean my relationship with my gf is *meh* some good points, sex life has picked up big time which is great, but there's just something missing, I lust after other girls a lot too..

anyway, there is this one girl from my training group, who has also started on my fully trained volunteer shift, she is so unbelievably hot, 10/10 , beautiful , like probably out of my league. She HAS a bf, talks about him enough so I don't forget the fact, has a kid. I sent her a friend request on the volunteer network/ website which she didn't accept. OK so far so bad, BUT, she always talks to me like we are friends, she will be glancing over at me all the time on shift, during one training thing I couldn't quite see and she called me over to sit beside her.. she made and brought me in a cup of coffee last night while she was on her break, she always seems to want to get on a smoke break with me and last night she used an excuse to exchange numbers. So ALL good there. Mixed messages or what? Just being friendly? Maybe keeping me as a backup plan? Would maybe see me behind her bfs back? Just toying with me? (And it's not like I ever come across like i like her-like her, like some puppy, I always play it real cool and alpha around her).

I should probably just leave it and maybe someday something will happen, even though that is the worst mindset you can have if you want to make a move with a girl.. windows close, friendship zone beckons. But, If I was ever gonna cheat this would be it, she is too hot to turn down seriously.

What do you guys think about it.. what would you do?
..mans gotta get some experience in life,... sow some wild oats just like her, do avoid the maintenance payments, consider the freedom of a vasectomy as she blows you later ....lol
She's fucking with you. Ignore her and watch how quickly she moves to the next guy who'll pay her attention.

Some girls like to do that, to see how long you'll pay them attention. Or see how far they can go... Its like a mind-game, don't play it with her, you're being a pawn. Put the power back in your hands and ignore her advances!

See? you get women. LOL


I have been slowly working my angle on Sunni for three years now.
