Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
well i work out like 6 days a week...honestly insanity man do it ..insanity by shaun t.......its a fucking bitch but goddamn thank you shaun t i still got a way to go i want a flatter stomach and a bigger ass...but whatever
im pretty happy so far :D:D ,
hey now i think youre hot too! :p

i do miss my long hair though
Fuck long hair. Short hair is cute too - and EASY. How much time to you save getting ready? Sounds like YOU use that time to work out - sweet.

I got addicted to Zumba with the olds at my gym. They are TOO CUTE!!! I don't think I would like the class as much if there were not so many white-hairs.

I love watching them dance to LMFAO. hahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Ok - so I know I'm knew here - and this may already be a thing - but has anyone ever told you @sunni that you and @a senile fungus would make, like the CUTEST COUPLE EVER????

Just sayin is all...like this:

And because they're funny, and I like funny - maybe also like THIS:

Or is this a thing already? I could be "Donnying out" again

Bahahahahahah - that's a great movie....


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty good at this stuff - I see something there...

Maybe I just like it when good looking people get together. Makes my imagination happy...

Was that pervy? hahaha = fuck it - you two would make cute babies!!!
Like this:

Well - HUMAN babies I hope - but the cute factor remains...


Well-Known Member
Did somebody summon me?
Oh yeah - me (the matchmaker) - and your future life partner.

Don't worry - I got this...your whole life is coming to a beautiful fruition.

Now go put a baby in @sunni !

You're the unicorn. She's the dolphin, she's already got a onesie!!


I think it's more like you're Unicorn and she's a Mermaid. I haven't found a picture like that yet...