I am woman

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how do you get down do you dope them up????im kidding some women are just as clever as men it goes both ways..
how do you get down do you dope them up????im kidding some women are just as clever as men it goes both ways..

Cleavage in the work place is a good one. You can't mix sex and work so you don't have to sleep with anyone. But by showing a little cleavage you open the door to the idea that there may be something outside of work that could be achievable. Men will jump all over that possibility. Even knowing they have no shot with me they will still dive in head first. I hold a very high position at my job. I am smart so I can perform the tasks that are required of me. I got the opportunity to hold such a position by playing the "bimbo" role. It worked out really well for me.
I don't hang with women who play dumb nor those who fuck and tease to get ahead. My wife is an CRNA, she got there by education and hard work. She didn't have to show titties to get her position. I hope you don't teach your child to show her breast to lead men on to get what she wants.

I teach my children to be smart. You can be smart and sexy at the same time. Going by your beliefs though, either your wife is dumb or she is ugly.
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