New grower question, with pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've got a question. I'm a new grower and have a question about what looks to be burnt tips. I've got four White Castle feminized and one Chronic thunder feminized that are a week old. I sprouted seeds with peat pellets in a humidity dome. My set up is a custom 20 gallon grow tub that i built with 250 watts worth of CFL'S. (My T5's are ordered and on the way :) I'm growing in FF soil and using FF trio for the duration of my grow. I haven't given my plants any nutes yet as i figured the nutes in the soil would be more than enough for the first week. All of my plants seem to be growing fine but the past day or two I've noticed the tips on two of my white castle plants are starting to turn a yellowish burnt color. The rest of the plants show none of the same signs so it has me wondering if this is normal??!! any help or advise would be great.
maryjane grow 2.jpg maryjane grow.jpg mj 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
FFOF isn't really the best for seedlings, too hot. Tip burn is too high of a nute level for the little darlings. If you start them in seedling mix soil next time and then transplant into your FFOF, you will do better, and they probably won't need any nutes for a solid month after that.


Well-Known Member
I'm currently using Happy Frog in the 16 oz cups. I have heard about OF burning young plants so i was going to veg for a month with HF then when i transplant to 5 gallon buckets i'll being doing a 50% mix of both.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you are using its way too hot(rich) for your tender babes, its why I always recommend that growers who favor hot soils to mix in 30-50% perlite, you can still do this once you have washed that shit of their young roots via a serious flush and re pot up

to my blog:

should you grow this again go with the advice form Bugeye use a seedling mix and add 30% of this hot stuff to get them use to it


Well-Known Member
Whatever you are using its way too hot(rich) for your tender babes, its why I always recommend that growers who favor hot soils to mix in 30-50% perlite, you can still do this once you have washed that shit of their young roots via a serious flush and re pot up

to my blog:

should you grow this again go with the advice form Bugeye use a seedling mix and add 30% of this hot stuff to get them use to it
You know i gotta ask why is it soil growers flood the shit out them at such early stage hell i don't feed mine shit.. they get oregons only dirt with some crushed lava from hawaii. AND WATER ONLY maybe once a week i dip in my res and give them some big girl food
After seedling only thing i gave mine was humbolt ROOTS. and water for first 3.. Dirt has enough nutes for veg... maybe a bit of cal/mag


Well-Known Member
You know i gotta ask why is it soil growers flood the shit out them at such early stage hell i don't feed mine shit.. they get oregons only dirt with some crushed lava from hawaii. AND WATER ONLY maybe once a week i dip in my res and give them some big girl food
After seedling only thing i gave mine was humbolt ROOTS. and water for first 3.. Dirt has enough nutes for veg... maybe a bit of cal/mag
dude im the same way its crazy seeing how fast some people burn their work I didnt feed this grow until week 2 1/2 of flower
That's just some nute burn just clean the water flush out the soil you don't need nutrients to grow a seedling best way that works for me was clean water+ light for first 2-3 weeks then introduce it to nutrients/ plant food most of the time the nutrients recommended are even too much for indoors so if youmust Feed her nutrients then give half the recommended dose and you won't see the tips burning out if you do it right after this point you shouldn't get anymore nute burn.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info guys, its much appreciated. Growing my own medicine is one of the most rewarding and exciting things I've done so far and im proud to be part of the movement. Every day is a new learning experience. All the other plants have taken fine to the soil except those two and they are still growing good so hopefully it was just a minor case.