I am woman

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Well-Known Member
To hell with those who think I am less of a person because of it.


So, feminism is a relic of history now? Perhaps in the world surrounding the North Atlantic...but what about the rest of the globe? There is still a great deal of political misogyny out there.
I suppose my grand question is, has feminism not helped?

Feminism has morphed into misandry with demands for free stuff. Like the TEA party it started out with a solid philosophical foundation but was hijacked by intolerant narcissists.
Feminism has morphed into misandry with demands for free stuff. Like the TEA party it started out with a solid philosophical foundation but was hijacked by intolerant narcissists.
But in the decades of its existence, did it not empower women more? Did it not reduce the obvious inequality of prior centuries? That is fundamentally what I am asking.

To your point, what was the pivot in the American feminist movement (assuming your statement is valid)?
But in the decades of its existence, did it not empower women more? Did it not reduce the obvious inequality of prior centuries? That is fundamentally what I am asking.

To your point, what was the pivot in the American feminist movement (assuming your statement is valid)?

It's kind of like starting a new job. For awhile people have to help you along to show you how things work. But if people are still telling you what to do several years later it is kind of a hindrance. At some point women need to be allowed to say "It's okay, we got it from here".
I am not sure of the pivot point in feminism. When did the democrats invent the war on women, characterized by demands that the boss pay for contraceptives and the ridiculous simultaneous contradictory chant of "bosses, get your hands of my ovaries"? When did "feminists" embrace Bill Clinton while he was banging his intern? Feminists went down hill when they became a mouthpiece for the corrupt Democratic party.

To your first question, sure, feminism did some good. So did the TEA party.
It's kind of like starting a new job. For awhile people have to help you along to show you how things work. But if people are still telling you what to do several years later it is kind of a hindrance. At some point women need to be allowed to say "It's okay, we got it from here".
why do you feel you are put down as a women ?
It's kind of like starting a new job. For awhile people have to help you along to show you how things work. But if people are still telling you what to do several years later it is kind of a hindrance. At some point women need to be allowed to say "It's okay, we got it from here".
Are you implying there is a point where societal gains diminish from the input of feminists?
I just don't see the overbearing pressure from feminists in this day...like unions, they're fading somewhat into the background. Compared to what I remember of the 70s and 80s, their voice is practically taken for granted. As such, this "protest" against them is somewhat pointless.

However, I got my question answered; there is a need for feminism in other parts of the world. It's also wise to keep that little element of it alive, too, just in case something tries to slide through that may have been missed in the eyes of policy-makers. After all, I am not paying attention, so how many others care equally as little?

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