Positive people required!!

iPhone. I only joined the band wagon 2 years ago. And it is AWESOME.

I am convinced that Steve Jobs came from outer space, and that's why they are just so NEAT!

After I got it, I was constantly walking around with an iRection. I'm not embarrassed, I really do have a boner for my phone.
yesshica me lovshes you but iphone? please girl my nexus even after going diving with sharks is much sexier and more capable of bad decisions!
MY space phone talks to me - if I press the right buttons!!!
- setting, general, accessibility, speak selection - BRITISH

Then I type:

"I am a robot - I have a robot vagina - bluuuuuuuuurp zaaaaarc. cunt. poop. fart. 10101010101010 11110 101010101 101 101 101010101010"

It is AMAZING. hahahahahahah

Next..us...inston? Whatever your phone is - I bet it's great too!