Peyote Ceremony

Don't worry, haha it doesn't seem like a cult xD The main guy paul is apparently just a really rich guy that doesn't say much besides, 'eat this peyote! I just ate a shit load! AHHHHH!!! Eat it all! bring your friends! Learn about yourself! Live here and work for me selling essential oils and building this property into something cool! And don't worry, the trips will be better next time! If it is a cult, I'll know very fast, but it seems like it's just some old rich guy trying to teach people about themselves.

Apparently he's just a really nice, ate up dude and doesn't ask once what religion or age you are xD

My friend knows them very well and from what he's described, it seems pretty straight forward. I'm excited to go there next weekend and see what it's all about. I can sense malice. If it's something I don't rub right with, my instinct will get me out.
Some of the trip stories that my friend had were insane. So I'm just gonna keep eating buttons until I puke and then keep drinking tea until I perish into ultimate mescaline transcendence.

No promises Rory, but I will try! By september who the fuck knows. Probably. Haha I am doing good on money..
And nah, Adam and I know we need a plan. So next weekend we will talk to Paul and see if we can have a solid plan. I'm saying right now that the answer he will probably give us is 'I'll rent you out a house for the time you spend building your own on my land".

If this works out, Adam is an artist so while he draws, I'll be gardening ethnobotanicals until I have some quality stuff and once I do, develop a website in order to start a business that way while working for Paul for my basic money. Then on the side Adam and I will make crazy music.
hope it works out for you..everything seems cool..
im pretty sure ill have some sunshine at pinkmoon..real sushine.if not,ill still be spun!..
Sounds really epic to me!! I havn't gotten to enjoy mescaline yet, but its on my list :) I could make it to missouri with a little drive.

Lol and rory don't tease about sunshine. I just said to my wife the other day that we would never see any of the classic types of LSD.
Count me in for Pinkmoon if it's not too close to Shangri la. I'd love to eat some acid with ya, just to warn you I go a little nuts on acid with my words haha
Go to Shangri la!!! I'll have a good amount of something I'll save for you there. And then at Pinkmoon if I can go I'll do the same! If not locked may be possible!

You could come to a peyote ceremony haha when I live there I'll give you all the info. Pm me so I can remember you.
my buddy said its on the way,fresh as a flower..i hope hes right..hes def not one to bullshit..
shangrila seems cool but i cant make dropping 2k on supplies for locken alone! i am bringing my whole fam again tho.gonna be a blast..i ordered all 3 kids l.e.d. poi sets! they gonna love em...
i get crazy on acid also..talking to me is like talking to an intelligent rapper having in depth conversation..i once tried to come up with a synonymous four syllable word for the word "the" to use in conversation while,closest i could come up with was "universe"...
im excited for the sunshine also..think itll be like im 13 again! i also am starting with 2 when i take not in to spirits and such,but im hoping some sunshine takes me back to the early 70s like a psychedelic seance...
im excited for the sunshine also..think itll be like im 13 again! i also am starting with 2 when i take not in to spirits and such,but im hoping some sunshine takes me back to the early 70s like a psychedelic seance...

I want!!!

I mentioned pink moon to the wife again, and mentioned the sunshine in the next sentence. Her response was maybe we need to make that happen :). The thing that sucks is its a good 8 hour drive at current gas prices.
do the math with a rental if your car sucks gas..or a ride along to chip market babies work for spare donate a kidney but i only got one after the last one went to jerrys kids..maybe you can knock over a kids lemonade stand,or rip finshaggy off..idk,you can make it tho:-)
Seriously working on a plan. Pinkmoon is sooo much more affordable then lock'n so I'd love to make it happen. Seems like a nice chill first festival to go to as well.
I want to make pinkmoon work because it's after Shangri-La. If I have enough money by then count me in. Because two festies will take me from work for awhile. Depends how much I make until then, what I'm even doing, and how much I make off Shangri-La haha
I've never eaten acid that someone called sunshine
lol skuxx described it perfectly.
you just need to save some L,and drive quicker..get off work thurs,drive,party all weekend,take more L,drive home, on monday:-)..
or,trade some buds to the stoner employees to cover your absence..
its owsley sunshine..dig? not lsd.
ill bring the trip whips.:-)
Trip whips seem pretty cool :).

So Sunshine isn't actually LSD? I had figured since you said it was fresh sunshine, that it was owsley's formula, but I always thought it was LSD. Either way I think it would be really cool to share that little link with a legend, and the past.
yes ald-52..owsley made it,scully and sands also..the good dr invented it ,and Lsd,but seeing as how its easier to make lsd,sunshine
is rare..ive never had a novelty imo..
was told ill have choice of liquid,or i can order paper for a custom jobby:-)..about 150ug each..liquid will be cheaper for me so ill prob get me a vial or 2..hoping i can get a mg or 3 of crystal:-)
fingers crossed.