doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

I like the lamb but pig cuts it best for me for more than one reason ; ) I cooked a turducken the other day on a weber....5 kilos.dont know wat a turducken is ? Its a turkey duck and chicken all boned out with 3 layers of different sauces rolled into one big bomb of a feed ...fed 16 adults in one sitting
Just got done going thru your thread really nice greenhouse & the carport is dope too man might have to grab one for next season.

Anyways I read some of the stuff you were sharing about Vietnam figured You should check this song out.
Its by RA Tha Rugged Man his dad was Vietnam vet & helped him write the song or more like gave him ideas for it. And a lot of the birth defects in his lyrics his brother ended up with.
Anyways thanks for sharing your grow & thanks for your Service.

It's amazing how war effects so many, even far removed from it. People pay the price. I have very few teeth left because of drinking water covered with Agent Orange in Vietnam. No one knew the long term effects of AO. However I know for a fact it saved many lives in Vietnam. It pushed the jungle back so we at least had a fighting chance. Without AO the VC would be right in your lap before you knew it....not good!
Given the choice between dying an old man with no teeth & health issues, or dying in the jungle from a VC bullet?........well Spray away!.........War is Hell...
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So the cages are to keep the chickens from running off? Why do you remove the chickens for your photos? Is PETA after you?

JK, keep up the good work, very fun to watch!
The squares on the cages are 6"x6", the chickens can hop right thru
I top dress the smart pots all winter with the chicken droppings from their chicken coop. The spring rains break it all down & wash it in. The plants seem to love it...