number of uninsured americans dropping fast

Are you butthurt about this?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
3 months ago my doctor said that they still haven't been paid for accepting a single ACA patient.

Other than that.. pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Your Doctor hasn't been paid by any insurance company?
that's the second COOL STORY BRO (TM) he's reeled off recently.

When it comes to gays specifically, here is a good case in point. I was at Walgreens waiting to ask a pharmacist something. He was busy talking to 2 guys while I waited in line with about 3 other people behind me. One guy is dressed like anybody else.. the other was in punk rocker gear. As they went over whatever meds the punk rocker was picking up, he started comments like, "It's ok if it's a big pill, I'm great at swallowing!" When drowsiness comes up, he turns to his boyfriend and says, "You just want me to pass out so you can sleep rape me, you bitch." These comments continued for what felt like 10 mins. Vulgar, profane language from start to finish. People behind me began leaving the line, while I just watched in pure fascination. It even looked to me like the plain clothed boyfriend was uncomfortable. Clearly the pharmacist was uncomfortable and wanted to kick him out of the store, but was afraid to. He would just laugh nervously. He watched his employer lose business because of it.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure he was talking about the federally subsidized stuff. Brilliant retort, though.

that's the second COOL STORY BRO (TM) he's reeled off recently.
Yeah, I'm sorry that I can't devote 18 hours a day, 365 days a year to an internet forum.

Just because you don't venture out into the real world doesn't mean the rest of us don't.


Well-Known Member
So massive restructure of the health care system, or the system that pays for it more specifically.

All for a gain of 4 or 5 million people to get insurance.

What about the other 35 million they said needed it?


Well-Known Member
So massive restructure of the health care system, or the system that pays for it more specifically.

All for a gain of 4 or 5 million people to get insurance.

What about the other 35 million they said needed it?
Some Republican Governors aren't expanding Medicaid because a "welfare queen" (black person) might get healthcare.


Well-Known Member
Some Republican Governors aren't expanding Medicaid because a "welfare queen" (black person) might get healthcare.
I don't recall race being a criteria either way.

Plenty of poor white folks to leach off of the system also.

That is fairly racist of you to assume all poor people are black.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
hey buck, can you get me a job? i'm a semester away from an engineering degree, but not eligible for financial aid. also unemployed, as i've been a full time student, but now that i have to pay to complete my degree, i'm having a hard time finding job placement; either over or under qualified, and the hiatus of school looks bad on my work history...

mickey d's turned me down... any tips for an aspiring american who only want's to pay his way? i can't pay for insurance, and don't have a job to provide it... what should i do? the people at the social security office said i should apply for disability, but i'm not disabled. they said i can get it, but like i said, i'm NOT disabled, just not in a great position.

how do i rectify this and get an honest job? i've not smoked pot or done drugs for nearly 4 months, so drug analysis isn't a problem. i can't get an engineering job because i don't have my degree. i can't finish my last semester because i don't have a job. i can't get a job because i've been going to school...



Well-Known Member
hey buck, can you get me a job? i'm a semester away from an engineering degree, but not eligible for financial aid. also unemployed, as i've been a full time student, but now that i have to pay to complete my degree, i'm having a hard time finding job placement; either over or under qualified, and the hiatus of school looks bad on my work history...

mickey d's turned me down... any tips for an aspiring american who only want's to pay his way? i can't pay for insurance, and don't have a job to provide it... what should i do? the people at the social security office said i should apply for disability, but i'm not disabled. they said i can get it, but like i said, i'm NOT disabled, just not in a great position.

how do i rectify this and get an honest job? i've not smoked pot or done drugs for nearly 4 months, so drug analysis isn't a problem. i can't get an engineering job because i don't have my degree. i can't finish my last semester because i don't have a job. i can't get a job because i've been going to school...

grow some pot.


Well-Known Member
Obamacare is required by force of law...

Yeah, coercion is something to be really proud of...
you poor leaches can't leach anymore by force of law.

cry me a fucking river, dig a ditch so that it drains to a pool, and then scrub the shit off that pool.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
grow some pot.
hopefully the three small babies in half gallon pots will help me feel better in a couple of months.

any advice to tide me over? still clean for drug testing jobs, and fuck a degree, i'd happily work for 6.00 an hour if it was full time. i'm getting weaker, not sure ramen noodles are supplying the nutrients i need to stay healthy...